Watch now: Lion rides Giraffe back “Uber-style” while pack attempt takedown


A sleepy pride of lions were interrupted by a passing giraffe so they tried their luck in bringing it down with little success they did, however, stun people.

Hoedspruit, Limpopo – Francois Pienaar, a safari guide at the Klaserie Game Reserve got to treat his guests to one of the best sighting in his career. He had arrived at a spot where a pride of lions were napping. Within a few minutes, the lions got up and started moving around.

Fancois started following them, hoping he could give his guests an interesting sighting but he never imagined how the sighting would turn out.

“We only spent a couple of minutes with them before they started moving off after their morning nap. Whilst on our way following the lions, they spotted a very old giraffe bull unaware that a pride of lions had their eyes set on him.

We sat quietly in the vehicle as we watched the lions stalking this old bull.

After about 20 minutes of stalking, the chase was on! We raced in behind the lions, to see the action happening and hoping the lions would catch the big animal and bring it down.”

They tried to keep up with the chase and the next moment they caught the sight of the lions grabbing onto the bull’s hooves attempting to pull it down. That was when the most hair-raising moment took place…

“As we tried to stay with these lions we saw some of the individuals grab at the legs and one female jumping on the back of the giraffe. With a big struggle and to our amazement the lions finally got the giraffe to a stop and still trying to bring it to the ground.

The old bull giraffe, fighting to stay standing, managed to throw the lions off his back and fought his way out by trying to stomp on the lions. After about 5 hours the lions finally gave up and the old bull lived to see another day.”

Even though the lion’s didn’t get their meal for the day and thankfully the giraffe survided, it was still an incredible video to watch. Take a look below.

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