Luckyly Tourist captured Rare Moments Lions Napping Up Tree in Uganda


If you’ve ever wondered what a lion looks like while perched on a tree, Queen Elizabeth National Park is the place to find out. Only in the Ishasha sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park can one find tree-climbing lions in Uganda. Since tree-climbing lions are extremely uncommon, the ones in Queen Elizabeth National Park are a special case because it is difficult to find them elsewhere where they are as obvious as they are here. Along with the more mature lions, you will be able to see the cubs playing and hanging from tree branches.

Tourists can record videos and take pictures of the lions relaxing in the tree, making this an experience they are probably never going to forget. Because the acacia and sycamore fig trees offer sufficient cover during both the dry and wet seasons, the lions typically climb these trees. You should also be aware that these lions only climb trees after the sun has risen, not before, and that the male lions in Queen Elizabeth National Park have distinctive black manes.

You will be able to enjoy seeing these big cats as you drive through the park because the tree-climbing lions are unusually built and lounge around the trees. The lions are pictured resting.

What makes lions climb trees?

The following are some of the explanations that have been given as to why these lions climb trees and are seen sleeping there: The view from the top of the trees allows the lions to spot the various prey that can be seen skulking around the park. These large cats, especially the antelopes, can easily pounce on their prey without being seen.

Lions climb trees because they want to escape the heat of the ground and find cover from the rain. In fact, the temperature can rise to 28 degrees, which is unsuitable for cats, which is why they climb trees. The wide branches of the trees, which can accommodate the cats, make them a good place for them to rest after a tiring day of hunting. The trees shield the tsetse flies from the lions because they prey on animals, especially during the wet season.

Why Queen Elizabeth Is the Ideal Place for Your Tree-Climbing Lions

In Uganda’s various parks, there are a variety of lions, but not all of them have the ability to climb trees. The lions that climb trees can be found in Queen Elizabeth National Park, and I’ve explained why this park is the best or most suitable location for these lions.


The Queen Elizabeth National Park’s expansive grounds give the animals freedom to roam the grounds at their leisure. The park is the best place for lions to live because it also has other animals that serve as their food, such as kobs, cranes, and cows from the nearby village. Additionally, the park is home to many sycamore and acacia trees. It’s a good place for lions to live because of all these factors.

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