Biologist Tried Cooking In The World's Coldest Village At -70ºc (-94ºf) And The Ending Was Spectacular

Biologist Tried Cooking In The World’s Coldest Village At -70ºc (-94ºf) And The Ending Was Spectacular

Cyprien Verseux is a glaciologist and astrobiologist, currently working on the most remote scientific base in the world: Concordia Station in Antarctica. Even the International Space Station, 400km above the Earth, is closer to civilization than this place, deep in the icy wastes of our most isolated and inhospitable continent.

“In spite of being in an inhospitable desert, Concordia is highly attractive to researchers from different fields such as astronomy, human physiology (The European Space Agency is using it to study human adaptation to what is very similar to future conditions of a Moon or Mars base), glaciology, atmospheric sciences, and geophysics.”

Cyprien and his fellow scientists work is vitally important, as it sheds light on how the climate has changed in the past, and gives an insight onto possible changes in the future. “Research done here yields invaluable information on climate change,” he told us. “It is thanks to the EPICA project conducted here that we know that greenhouse gas levels, specifically carbon dioxide and methane, have never been so high in at least the past 800 000 years.”

Just for fun, Cyprien decided to go outside and have a go at ‘cooking,’ taking photos of different kinds of foods in the deep freeze. Of course, it was just a game, but the gravity-defying pictures vividly illustrate the absolute intensity of the cold down there in Antarctica, this is no picnic! “We run out of fresh food early in the winter (as we have no resupply from early February to early November), so we eat mostly frozen food: given that the temperatures never are in the positive, we just store it in containers outside.”

Scroll down below to check out the incredible images for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments!












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