Untamed Tranquility: 10+ Single-Story House Ideas Immersed in a Garden Oasis with Koi Pond Serenity!

Single-story Japanese-style houses are very popular in Thailand these days. With a simple design Emphasis on openness, comfort, and harmony with nature. Japanese-style houses are usually built from wood, brick, or cement with gable roofs. Decorated with lath sliding wіпdow door.

If you want to build a Japanese-style house in a garden and koi pond аtmoѕрһeгe. The important thing to consider is how to arrange your garden and koi pond to match your home. You should choose trees and flowers that match the Japanese style, such as pine trees, cypress trees, cherry trees, chrysanthemums, hydrangeas, etc. The placement of the koi pond should be reasonably close to the house. To be able to see and enjoy the beauty of koi fish.