Trees of terror: The terrifying oak that could have walked out of Lord Of The Rings… and its army of friends

Being one of the largest countries of Europe with a favorable climate for trees France has enormous forests and lots of trees. Compared to the United Kingdom it has less old solitarian trees. The French seem to have a very practical relationship with nature: its use in the first place is economical. Still there are quite a few really old trees to be found in France. I will introduce you to some of the oldest oaks.

One of the largest and most beautiful forests of France is the Forest of Fontainebleau, somewhat to the south-east of Paris. Large parts of the forest consists of old deciduous forest, especialy oak and beech – forest. From the 16th century oaks have been planted here for wood production. Famous are the oak-plantings done under Louis XIV by his minister Colbert around 1680. Parts of them still exist in Fontainebleau and some other french forests like the Fort de Bellme and the Fort de Tronais. The forest of Fontainebleau was celebrated already in the 19th century because of its picturesque rocklandscapes and splendid old forests. Mainy painters came here to be inspired. They achieved the creation of several “artistic reserves” in 1853: this were some very old and beautiful parts of the forest wich they wanted to save from the axe. These reserves exist till this day: the policy in some of them has been to leave everything to natural processes. This has lead to interesting developments: the former open forest with dominating old oaks has changed in a much denser beech-dominated forest. Still, this forests have a very varied and natural structure, with ancient trees, dying trees, dead standing and fallen trees, often full of mosses and mushrooms, open spaces and young trees reaching to the light in the gaps in the canopy.


An old oak tree is a majestic and awe-inspiring natural wonder that has likely stood for hundreds of years, weathering the elements and bearing witness to the passing of time. These trees are often seen as symbols of strength, resilience, and wisdom, and are revered in many cultures and traditions.

An old oak tree may have a wide trunk, gnarled branches, and a thick canopy of leaves that provide shade and shelter for wildlife. Its bark may be deeply grooved and textured, and may bear scars and markings that tell the story of its long life.

Oak trees are long-lived: Some oak trees can live for several hundred years, and some species can even live up to 1,000 years or more.

There are many different species of oak trees: There are over 600 species of oak trees, ranging in size from small shrubs to large trees that can reach heights of over 100 feet.

oak trees are a fascinating and important part of the natural world, with a rich cultural and historical significance.