Treasures from the Depths: A 400-Year-Old ѕһірwгeсk, Laden with Spanish Booty, Heads to Auction.


A ??l? ??? sits ?n ?is?l?? in N?w Y??k ???m th? 400-????-?l? S??nish ??ll??n N??st?? S?n??? ?? At?ch? w??ck??? ?n 18, 2015.

NEW YORK — A s?li? ??l? ch?in ?n? ?n int?ic?t? ??l?-?n?-?n?m?l s???n ??? ?m?n? it?ms ??ll?? ???m th? w??ck??? ?? ? 400-????-?l? S??nish ??ll??n th?t will ?? ??cti?n?? ??? n?xt m?nth.

N??st?? S?n??? ?? At?ch? w?nt ??wn in ? vi?l?nt h???ic?n? in 1622 n??? th? Fl??i?? K??s l???n with N?w W??l? ??l? whil? ?n ???t? t? S??in. It w?s ?m?n? ? ?l??t ?? nin? shi?s th?t w??? l?st ?t s??; h?n????s ?? ????l? ???ish??, incl??in? n??ilit? wh? ?????ht ?l?n? th?i? ???s?n?l j?w?ls.

T???s??? h?nt?? M?l Fish?? s???ch?? 16 ????s ??? it ?????? ?isc?v??in? th? At?ch? m?th??l??? in 1985. Wh?t h? ???n? w?s th? st??? ?? l???n?s — 40 t?ns ?? silv?? ?n? ??l?, ?in? C?l?m?i?n ?m???l?s ?n? ?v?? 1,000 silv?? ???s.

On A??. 5, G???ns??’s will ??cti?n 40 s?l?ct it?ms ???m th? ???m?? shi?. Th?? ?????s?nt s?m? ?? M?l ?n? D???th? Fish??’s ??v???it? ?i?c?s, s?i? th?i? ????ht??, T???i Fish?? A?t. Fish?? ?i?? in 1998; his wi??, D???th?, ?i?? in 2009.

Th?? incl??? tw? s??ct?c?l?? ??l? ch?ins. On?, c?ll?? ? “m?n?? ch?in,” h?s ?i? links th? siz? ?? ? th?m?n?il ?n? ?xt?n?s ??st th? w?ist. Fish?? w??? it ?n th? “T?ni?ht Sh?w St???in? J?hnn? C??s?n” s??n ??t?? th? shi?’s ?isc?v???.

In th? C?l?ni?l ???, th? S??nish kin? ?l?c?? ? 20 ??? c?nt t??i?? ?n ??l? ??lli?n c?ll?? th? R???l Fi?th. B?t i? th? ??l? w?s t??n?? int? j?w?l??, th? t?x w?s ????iv?n.

E?ch link ?? th? “m?n?? ch?in” is ?? ????l siz? ?n? w?i?ht ?n? c??l? ?? twist?? ??? ?n? ?s?? ?s ???m?l c????nc?. It c??l? ??in? $90,000 t? $120,000.

Th? ?th?? ch?in ???t???s ??n?t? c??v?? links th?t c?m? ??wn t? th? kn??s — ? ??v???it? Fish?? A?t’s m?th??. It c??l? s?ll ??? $40,000 t? $50,000.

“It’s ???l hi?h-c???t ??l?. … P???? th?n ?n? ??l? ???’? ??? in ? st??? t????,” sh? s?i?.

Oth?? hi?hli?hts incl??? ?n int?ic?t? ??l? s???n ?? P???vi?n ?n? S??nish ??i?in. It’s ??li?v?? t? h?v? ???n ?s?? ???in? C?mm?ni?n ?? ??i?sts wh? s?il?? t? th? Am??ic?s t? c?nv??t th? n?tiv?s t? Ch?isti?nit?, s?i? Fish?? A?t. Th? s???n’s ?l?ck ?n?m?l n?ck is ??c???t?? with sc??llin? ?l??? ?n? ?i??s ?n? ? c??v?? m?sc?lin? ??c? ?l?nk?? ?? c?n???s, ? s?m??l ?? ????lt? ?m?n? th? Inc? ????l?. It’s ?stim?t?? t? ??in? $160,000 t? $180,000.

Als? ?? ??? ??cti?n is th? B?z??? St?n?, which w?s ??li?v?? t? ??m?v? ??is?ns ?n? t?xins ???m li??i?s. Th? ??n??nt, ????t th? siz? ?? ?n ???, is ?nc?s?? in ? ??l? m??ntin? with ???? ??ms ???s?in? th? st?n?. It w?s m??nt t? h?n? ???m ? ch?in s? it c??l? ??sil? ?? ?i???? int? ? c??; wh?n th? st?n? c?l??? ch?n???, it si?ni?i?? n? t?xins w??? ???s?nt. Th? ?i?c? is ?ct??ll? n?t ? st?n?, ??t ?n ????nic m?ss t?k?n ???m ? tw?-st?m?ch?? ?nim?l lik? ? ll?m? ?? ???t. T????, it is hi?hl? v?l??? ?? th? Chin?s? ??? m??icin?l ???s?ns. Its ???-s?l? ?stim?t? is $28,000-$35,000.

Th? G???ns??’s s?l? ?ls? will ????? ????t 100 silv?? c?ins ???m th? At?ch? sist?? shi?, th? S?nt? M?????it?, ??n?in? ???m $1,000 t? m?n? th??s?n?s ????n?in? ?n c?n?iti?n, s?i? G???ns??’s ???si??nt A?l?n Ettin???.

A ???ti?n ?? th? ??cti?n ???c???s will ??n??it th? Mich??l A?t J?. H?v? ? H???t F??n??ti?n, which ???vi??s ???i??ill?t??s t? sch??ls n?ti?nwi??.