Ph?t? ?? E?w??? P?v?s ?? MLiv?
St??? ?? E?w??? P?v?s ?? MLiv?
Y?? c?n n?w st?? ??ck in tim? t? th? 18th ??n?st? ?? ?nci?nt E???t (c. 1543–1292) ?n? s?? Kin? T?t?nkh?m?n ?n? th? ?h????h’s s?c??? ??ss?ssi?ns. Sc??ll ??wn t? s?? ? t?st? ?? C??n????k’s n?w ?xhi?it which is n?w ???n th????h S??t?m??? 3, 2017.

M??? th?n 100 t???s???s
Th? ?xhi?it ???t???s 131 ???lic?s ?? th? ?h????h’s s?c??? ??ss?ssi?ns ?n? ??ti??cts. Th?s? ??? v??? ??t?il?? ?n? ?x?ct ???lic?s ?? th? ??i?in?ls which will n? l?n??? ?? l??vin? E???t.

Tick?t in??
Tick?ts ??? $10 ??? n?n-m?m???s ?? th? C??n????k Instit?t? ?? Sci?nc? ?n? $9 ??? m?m???s. Ki?s ???s 2-12 ??? $8.

B?st ?? T?t ?n ? L?t?s – 18th D?n?st?
This ???t??it c??t???s T?t’s ?l?n??t?? ?l?t?c??h?lic sk?ll, ? c?mm?n ???t??? ?m?n? m?m???s ?? th? in???? ????l ??mil? ?? Am??n?.

C???t s?n??ls – 18th D?n?st?
F?shi?n?? ?? ??????s ?i???, l??th??, w??? ?n? sh??t ??l?, s?m? 93 ??ticl?s ?? ???tw??? w??? ???i?? with T?t. Th? ?in?st ?x?m?l? is this ??i? ?? s?n??ls ???n? in th? Ant?ch?m???, ??ck?? insi?? ?? th? ??int?? ch?st. M??? ?? w??? with ??n?t? m?????t?? v?n???, th? s?l?s ??? ??c???t?? with th? t???iti?n?l im???s ?? c??tiv? A??ic?n ?n? Asi?n ?n?mi?s, s?m??lic?ll? t??m?l?? with th? ?h????h’s ?v??? st??.
Th? ??i?in?l s?n??ls c?n ?? ???n? ?t th? C?i?? M?s??m.

E??n? ??m? ??x & c?stin? sticks – 18th D?n?st?
On? ?? T?t’s ??v??it? ?iv??si?ns w?s ?l??in? ??m?s ?? ch?nc?. Lik? m?n? ?nci?nt E???ti?ns, h? ?nj???? th? ??m? ?? “s?n?t” in which th? m?v?m?nt ?? ??wns ?n ? ch?ck??????? w?s ??ci??? ?? th? th??w ?? kn?ckl???n?s ?? c?stin? st?cks. O? th? ???? ??m? ??x?s ???n? in th? Ann?x, this ?n? m??? ?? w??? with ???n? ?n? iv??? v?n??? w?s th? ?in?st.

R???l M?mm? ?? Ph????h T?t?nkh?m?n & F?n????? Bi??
Th? m?ch ?ntici??t?? ???nin? ?? th? thi?? c???in, ??l???? ?? th? s????n ???th ?? L??? C??n??v?n, ??v??l?? th? ?h????h’s m?mm? which m??s???? 5?t 4in in l?n?th.

W?????? in lin?n ??n????s ?n??l?in? ?v?? 150 c?????ll? ?l?c?? s?c??? j?w?ls ?n? ?m?l?ts ?n? li????ll? ?n?int?? with c?ns?c??t?? l?st??ti?ns, his ???? h?? ???n ???l? ??m????. Its ??ittl? tiss?? with???? ?n? ?l?ck?n?? ?? ?xc?ssiv? ???lic?ti?n ?? th? v??? ??sins int?n??? t? ???s??v? it.

His ??c?, ???t?ct?? ?? th? ??l? m?sk, s??????? th? l??st ??m???. Enci?clin? his h??? w?s ? ????l ?i???m ?? ??l? inl?i? with cl?is?nn? ?n? s?mi???ci??s st?n?s. His ?in???s ?n? t??s w??? in?ivi???ll? c????? with ?l?in ??l? sh??ths ?n? his ???t w??? ?itt?? with ? ??i? ?? ??n?m?nt?l s?n??ls m??? ?? ??l?.

As th? ??ic?l?ss t???s???s ?n T?t’s ???s?n w??? ??m?v??, th? ?h????h’s ????il? ??m?ins w??? s?ns?l?ssl? t??n t? ?i?c?s. A s?c?n? ?x?min?ti?n ?? th? m?mm? in 1968 ??v??l?? ??ssi?l? ?vi??nc? ?? ? ??t?l ?l?w t? th? sk?ll ??hin? th? l??t ???.

R???l s?ilin? v?ss?l – 18th D?n?st?
T??ic?l ?? ????l ???i?ls, th? ?h????h’s t?m? incl???? ? ?l??t ?? 35 m???l ???ts ?ss?ci?t?? with his m?stic ?il??im???s in th? ??t??li?? ?n? ?????s?ntin? ??th ???ctic?l ?n? c???m?ni?l v?ss?ls. Th? s?il???t ??????s t? ?? ? ??n????? m???l ?? th? m?j?stic c???t th?t c???i?? th? ?h????h ?? ?n? ??wn th? Nil?.

G?l??n B?? – 18th D?n?st?
O? th? six ???s ???n? in th? t?m?, th? m?st s??ct?c?l?? w?s th? ?h????h’s ???s?n?l ??l??n ???, ??c?v???? ???m th? t?n?l?? ????is ?? th? Ann?x. Th? ????l ??lin? ???m? is m??? ?? ?il??? ???n? st??n? with ?n ?l?????t?l? w?v?n m?tt??ss.

G?l??n D????? ?n? Sh??th – 18th D?n?st?
This ????l ?????? is ??shi?n?? ?? s?li? ??l?. It w?s ?isc?v???? w?????? ?s ?n ?m?l?t within th? lin?n ??n????s ?? th? ?h????h’s m?mm? wh??? it h?? ???n ?it??ll? ?l?c?? ?n his ?i?ht thi?h.

G?l??n F?n????? M?sk ?? T?t
This w?s ??shi?n?? ???m tw? sh??ts ?? s?li? ??l? h?mm???? int? ? lik?n?ss ?? T?t. It w?s ???n? ??stin? ?v?? th? h??? ?n? sh??l???s ?? th? ?h????h’s lin?n-w?????? m?mm?.

N????titi – 18th D?n?st?
This ??int?? lim?st?n? ??st ?? th? ????ti??l Q???n N????titi w?s ???n? in th? w??ksh?? ?? th? m?st?? sc?l?t?? Djh?tm?s? in El-Am??n?, wh??? it w?s ?tiliz?? ?s ?n inst??cti?n?l m???l, h?nc? its ?n?inish?? ???.

Win??? Isis – 18th D?n?st? St?l?
Th? m?st ??v???? ?? th? ?nci?nt E???ti?n ?????ss?s, Isis w?s th? l???n???? m?th?? ?? H???s ?n? ??th wi?? ?n? twin sist?? ?? Osi?is.

G?l??n C?sm?tic S???n – 18th D?n?st?
This ?il??? w????n ?intm?nt s???n w?s ??shi?n?? ?? ? ??thin? m?i??n, ? cl?ssic m?ti? ??? c?sm?tic c?nt?in??s in th? 18th D?n?st? E???t.

Q???n Ankhn?sm??i?? ?n? P??i II – 6th D?n?st?
At th? cl?s? ?? th? 6th D?n?st?, ????n? 800 ????s ?????? T?t’s ?i?th, th? Ol? Kin???m c?m? t? ?n ?n? with th? ???th ?? Ph????h P??i II. A chil? ?h????h lik? T?t, P??i II ?nj???? ? l?n? ??i?n which l?st?? ??? 90 ????s.

G?l??n St?t? Ch??i?t – 18th D?n?st?
C?nst??ct?? ?? ??nt w??? ?n? l??th?? t? ?? ??th st???? ?n? li?htw?i?ht, th? ch??i?t w?s int????c?? t? th? E???ti?ns ?? th? Asi?tic H?ks?s ???in? th? ???l? 18th D?n?st?.

T?i?? ?? M?c??in?s – 4th D?n?st?
Disc?v???? in th? V?ll? T?m?l? ?? th? ????mi? ?? M?nk???? ?s ???t ?? ? s??i?s ?? ?iv? ????? st?t??s, this t?i?? ???icts th? ?h????h ???ss?? in th? ?l??t?? sc?n??t l?incl?th ?n? w???in? th? whit? h??j?t c??wn ?? th? ???i?n.

Th?tm?s? III – 18th D?n?st?
Th?tm?s? III w?s ???h??s E???t’s mi?hti?st ?h????h. A?t?? ?v??th??win? his ????nt st??m?th??, Th?tm?s? III ??lit???t?? h?? n?m? ???m h?? m?n?m?nts. His m?n? c?m??i?ns in S??i? ?n? P?l?stin? ?st??lish?? ?n ?xt?nsiv? ?m?i?? in Asi? ?s w?ll ?s N??i? (S???n), in??sin? his t???iti?n?ll? is?l?t?? c??nt?? with th? c?sm???lit?n in?l??nc? ?? ??tsi?? c?lt???s.

St?t?? ?? T?t with H?????n – 18th D?n?st?
W???in? th? ??? ??sh??t c??wn ?? L?w?? E???t, T?t is ?it??ll? ???ict?? in this ?il??? h???w??? st?t?? ?s th? ??? H???s, st?n?in? ?n ? ??????s ???t with his ??m ????is?? t? h?????n th? ?vil, sch?min? ??? S?th in th? ???m ?? ?n invisi?l? hi?????t?m?s.

E??n? Chil?’s Ch?i? – 18th D?n?st?
This sm?ll ?ninsc?i??? ch?i? w?s ???n? in th? Ant?ch?m??? c?nst??ct?? ?? A??ic?n ???n? j?in?? with ??l?-c????? ?iv?ts ?n? ??c???t?? with iv??? inl?? ?n? ?ilt si?? ??n?ls ???ictin? ? ??i? ?? i??x?s.

H??? ?? th? Divin? C?w – 18th D?n?st?
H?th??’s m?ni??st?ti?n in th? ???m ?? th? ?ivin? c?w, ?win? t? h?? ??i?ins ?? ?n ?nci?nt ?????i?n c?lt???, is ???t????? in this ?ilt w????n v?tiv? sc?l?t??? ???n? ?n th? T???s??? ?l??? ??tw??n th? An??is sh?in? ?n? th? C?n??i? sh?in?, with its ??c? t? th? w?st.

Shi?? ?? N??m?? C???m?ni?l P?l?tt? – 1st D?n?st?
C?mm?m???tin? N??m??’s c?n???st, this 5,000 ???? ?l? ??ti??ct is ?n? ?? th? ?l??st s??vivin? hist??ic?l ??c?m?nts. Th? ???l ?n? is l?c?t?? ?t th? C?i?? M?s??m in E???t.

R???l B???? C?ll?? – 18th D?n?st? St?l?
M?st ?? T?ts j?w?l?? w?s st?l?n in ?nti??it? ?? th? t?m? ??????s. Th????h??t th? ???? ch?m???s ?n? th? t?m?’s ?nt??nc? c???i???, H?w??? C??t?? ???n? m??? th?n 200 ??n?m?nts ?n? ?m?l?ts, incl??in? c?ll??s ?n? n?ckl?c?s, ??n??nts, ???c?l?ts ?n? ?in?s, th? m?j??it? ??i?in?tin? ???m th? T???s???. This ??c?nst??cti?n is in th? cl?ssic Am??n? st?l?.

C??t??ch? ??x – 18th D?n?st?
O? th? ??z?ns ?? w????n ??x?s ?n? ch?sts ?? v??i??s siz?s ???i?? in th? t?m?, n?n? ?sc???? ??ns?ckin? ?? th? ???v? ??????s in ?nti??it?. C?nt?inin? ?v???thin? ???m lin?ns ?n? s?n??ls t? t?ink?ts ?n? c?sm?tics, ???? ?? th?s? ??x?s w??? ??si?n?? in th? sh??? ?? ? ????l c??t??ch?, ?????s?ntin? ? kn?tt?? l??? ?? ???? ?nci?clin? th? n?m? ?? ?n ?x?lt?? ?i????.

Th? G?l??n Th??n? ?n? C???m?ni?l F??t??st – 18th D?n?st?
M?j?stic?ll? ?l?nk?? ?? tw? l??nin? h???s ?n? with ??m??sts ?? win??? ?????s s????nts w???in? th? ?sch?nt ????l? c??wn, th? ?h????h’s ??l??n th??n? w?s ???n? in th? Ant?ch?m??? ?n???n??th ?n? ?? th? ??sti?l c??ch?s.

Rit??l c??ch – 18th D?n?st?
This ?i?c? ?? ???nit??? w?s ??????l? th? ?i?st thin? th?t H?w??? C??t?? s?w wh?n h? ???k? th? s??l ?? th? t?m?. Ass?ci?t?? with M?h?tw???t, ?????ss ?? th? ????t ?l???, its m?tchin? h???s w??? ??shi?n?? in th? ???m ?? th? ??v???? c?w ?????ss H?th??, th?i? t?ll h??ns ???min? ? ??i? ?? s?l?? ?iscs.
Alth???h c?mm?nl? ???ict?? in E???ti?n t?m? ??intin?s, T?t’s w?s th? ?nl? ???nit??? ?? this s??t ?v?? t? ?? ???n? int?ct.

G?l??n M?mmi???m C???in – 18th D?n?st?

Li?n F?n????? B??h??? – 18th D?n?st?
Th? ?i?st ?? th??? ?it??l c??ch?s ?isc?v???? in th? Ant?ch?m??? w?s ?l?nk?? ?? ? ??i? ?? ?il??? w????n li?ns ?? ch??t?hs. Its tw? ???h???s w??? inl?i? in ?l?? ?l?ss with ???s ?? ??int?? c??st?l.

S?lk?t – 18th D?n?st?
S?c?n? ?nl? t? Isis in h?? c?nn?cti?n with ?ivin? m??ic ?n? ?sc??t?? ?? sc???i?ns, th? ?nch?ntin? ?????ss S?lk?t is ?ss?ci?t?? with chil??i?th ?n? n??sin? ?s w?ll ?s with th? m??ic?l t???tm?nt ?? sc???i?n stin?s.

P?????s Vi?n?tt? ?? Akh?n?t?n, N????titi, ?n? M??it?t?n
Th? t???h ?i???s ?? th? ?l?w??in? m??sh ???? kn?wn ?s ??????s w??? ?s?? in E???t sinc? ?nci?nt tim?s t? m?k? ??sk?ts, m?ts, ????s ?n? s?n??ls whil? th? ?ith? st?ms w??? c?t in st?i?s ?n? ???t?n t???th?? t? m?k? ?????. This ???t??it ???icts th? ????l ??mil? m?kin? ?????in?s t? th? ???i?nt At?n.

Ush??ti Fi???? – 18th D?n?st?
F??m th? tim? ?? th? l?t? Mi??l? Kin???m (2040-1640 B.C.) ??n????? m?mmi???m ?i???in?s with ? visi?l? h??? w??? c?mm?nl? ???i?? in t?m?s t? s??v? ?s s??stit?t?s ??? th? ??c??s?? in th? n?xt w??l?.

C?n??ic U?ns – 21st D?n?st?
Th? ??scin?ti?n with imm??t?lit? in ?nci?nt E???t l?? t? ? n?ti?n?l ?c?n?m? c?nt???? ????n? th? ?????cti?n ?? ?it??l ??n????? ???i?m?nt. Th?s? 4 ??ni?s, Ims?ti, H??i, D??m?t?? ?n? Q??hs?n??? w??? i??nti?i?? with th? int??n?l ????ns ?? th? ????, which w??? s?????t?l? ?m??lm?? ?n? ?nt?m??? in ???? c???m?ni?l ??c??t?cl?s n?m?? ??? th? t?wn ?? C?n???s wh??? i??ls ?? th? l?c?l ??? t??k th? ???m ?? ? ???n??? j?? with th? h??? ?? Osi?is.