Tourist’s Heart-Pounding Experience: Wild Cheetah Climbs Into Safari Vehicle, Resulting in an Unforgettable and Thrilling Close Encounter

While on a safari in Kenya’s Masai Mara reserve, the man got the surprise of his life after an adult wild cheetah got too close for comfort.

Tourist comes direct with wild cheetah as he climbs up into safari vehicle

Mickey McCaldin from Ireland was on a safari trip, when the team of vehicles came across Masai Mara’s most popular cheetah household. Everybody was admiring the majestic cats, but a few of them got closer than expected.

At first, the cheetah simply looked at Irish tourist Mickey McCaldin curiously, but then it moved closer as if to curl up on his lap

Not bothered at all by the human visibility, a few of the cheetahs climbed on a vehicle, but among them was more interested, so he jumped right into the backseat of a car.

At one point, the large cat was so close to Mickey that it was only about a foot away from his face

They so cute and too appear pretty friendly, they just [fearless predators], so they can be incredibly dangerous.So unsurprisingly, McCaldin, who was sitting there couldn’t locate his responses anymore.

Family friend David Horsey captured the tense standoff between the pair, including the moment that the animal lept into the safari jeep

The moment was caught on camera by David Horsey, a friend of McCaldin, that was sitting in front of him.

The man in cap nearly fainted his eyes witnessed a once in a blue moon circumstance.

A group of tourists had been tracking the cheetahs for several days, including the clan's well-known mother, Malaika.

Looks like, when he obtained home he had nightmares and really did not tell anyone about them.

Cheetahs don’t harmor prey on people, unless you run. How wonderful just what he wished to be closer to the wildlife God Bless it was enjoyable surprise!

While at first Mickey was quite relaxed, the group quickly became concerned that the cat may decide to snuggle up next to him

This was an awesome experience for them …!

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