Total of 75 stunning indoor garden ideas will help you fill your space with all the plants you love


If you have a lack of outdoor space, you want edible greens even in the winter months, or you just love to surround yourself with plants, then why not create an indoor garden?

The features of your indoor garden will depend on the aesthetic you are trying to create, your level of experience, the purpose for growing the plants, and the conditions available.

Not sure where to start? Here are some creative indoor garden ideas to provide some inspiration.

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    Indoor Greenhouse


    Are you are looking to create an indoor jungle but are worried you don’t have the conditions to support tropical plants. You could create a greenhouse environment inside a glass cabinet, like this one from IKEA filled with leafy green beauties. This allows you to carefully control the heat, light, and humidity.

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    Decorative Water Propagation Wall


    If you want to expand your plant collection or pass some on as gifts, why not nurture some cuttings through the popular water propagation method?

    You can dedicate a shelf to your cuttings and display them in glass jars for added decorative appeal. Swap out the water weekly and install some grow lights on the shelf above to help the cuttings take root.

    The 10 Best Grow Lights of 2023, Tested and Reviewed

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    Introduce a Living Wall


    When you have limited space or want a unique piece of wall art, a living wall could be worth considering.

    It’s perfect for an area with plenty of light and makes a beautiful backdrop for a neutral space. It’s best to stick with plants with similar care requirements, as you will need to water and feed them simultaneously.

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    Japanese Art for a Shady Location


    Hanging some Kokedama moss balls could be the perfect solution if you want to create a peaceful and calm atmosphere in a shady living space. Make sure to keep them moist–humidity is key for their success.

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    A Collection for Novice Plant Lovers


    If you aren’t particularly green-fingered or are introducing your first plant collection, you might want to stick with plants that are easy to grow indoors. Snake plants are a perfect example.

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    Moisture-Loving Bathroom Plants


    Bathrooms are the perfect environment to host a moisture-loving plant collection. Plus, they can be a great additional stress reliever when you are relaxing in the tub.

    The perfect plants for bathrooms love warm, humid, low-light conditions.

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    A Creative Mini-Garden

    qnula / Getty Images

    When you don’t want plants splashed all over your apartment, you could make up a terrarium with a collection of small plants instead. It looks interesting, allows you to grow plants you might not be able to otherwise in an indoor environment, and you can unleash your creativity.

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    A Curtain of Trailing Vines


    Hanging low-maintenance, sun-loving trailing vines from your curtain rail like this is a great option if you are limited on space or just want to add vertical green interest.

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    Plants to Complement Boho Style


    No matter what your home style preferences, there are indoor plant options to complement it. If you’re a fan of calm and cosy boho decor, selecting leafy plants like monsteras and trailing vines can work well.

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    Enhance a Relaxing Nook


    Studies show that surrounding yourself with plants can help to reduce stress.1 Creating a relaxing nook in a plant-filled space is the perfect way to switch off and enjoy some me-time.

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    Midcentury Chic

    Hugo Goudswaard / Getty Images

    This midcentury modern, scandi-style interior uses plants to good effect. The varying heights and texture add interest to what could be a bare room.

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    Decorative Plant Shelfs


    Having a set of bookshelves dedicated entirely to your plant collection not only looks good, but it makes caring for them a little easier. All your plants are in one place for watering, and you can move them around based on the way the light hits the shelves and where you position your humidifier.

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    Indoor Hydroponic Garden


    If you don’t have suitable outdoor space, your soil is not workable, or you want to conserve water while quickly producing high-quality herbs or vegetables, why not build a hydroponic garden.

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    Tropical Collection


    Create an indoor jungle full of exotic flowers, colorful leaves, and trailing vines with a selection of tropical plants suitable for growing indoors. Their water, humidity, and light requirements may mean their care requires a little more dedication, but the atmosphere they will create in your home makes the effort worth it.


Indoor gardens can contribute important benefits to home living, ranging from aesthetic beauty to improved health and productivity. Research has shown that indoor plants help eliminate indoor air pollutants called Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that emanate from adhesives, furnishings, clothing, and solvents, and are known to cause illnesses. They also increase subjective perceptions of concentration and satisfaction, as well as objective measures of productivity. Indoor gardens may even reduce energy use and costs because of the reduced need for air circulation. These benefits complement the obvious aesthetic advantages of a well-designed garden, making the indoor garden an attractive residential feature on several fronts.

However, indoor gardens require many conditions to ensure that they grow smoothly. These conditions also vary depending on the type of plant(s) being grown and the methods in which they are displayed. To address these considerations, we’ve compiled an introductory list of requirements, common plant types, and display methods below.

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© Rafael Gamo


Light: Plants need light to photosynthesize, grow, and survive. Without light, plants may fail to grow completely, won’t produce flowers or fruit, and may even die. This consideration is particularly important for indoor gardens, which even if near a window, may not receive adequate light in winter months. Thus, indoor gardens will need particular lighting systems to ensure maximum growth.

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© Charis Solomou

Most plants function best with 14 to 16 hours of light and at least six hours of darkness per day. However, because plants have photoreceptors that only absorb specific wavelengths of light, regular lightbulbs won’t satisfy this requirement. High Intensity Discharge (HID) bulbs and Compact Fluorescent Systems are the most ideal light source for indoor gardens, providing the ideal amount of brightness and intensity for plant growth. Fluorescent lights and incandescent bulbs may not emanate enough light, making them better for individual house plants rather than entire gardens. Of course, light requirements will vary depending on the plants being grown.

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© Derek Swalwell

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© Charis Solomou

Humidity: Indoor gardens often suffer from low humidity, which can cause plants to wither and leaves to turn brown. While plants tend to flourish in 50% humidity or higher, indoor humidity levels, particularly in the winter, may be sit as low as 10-20%. Solutions to this issue can range from running a humidifier, to daily misting, to even just placing a tray of water next to the garden.

Temperature: Most plants will thrive under temperatures ranging from 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Courtesy of K59atelier

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© Edward Hendricks

Soil depth: Soil depth will vary greatly depending on the plant being grown. Typically, between 18 to 20 inches of soil will suffice for most plants, though this number can drop to as low as 15 inches or reach as high as three feet. Depending on the plant, more shallow rooted species may also need to be staked or secured to a trellis.

Water: Plants grown in containers tend to dry out quicker than plants grown naturally in soil. Thus, it’s imperative that indoor gardens are watered adequately, though they shouldn’t be overwatered either. To ensure that plants are watered consistently, some designers and homeowners turn to solutions such as indoor drip watering systems, hydroponics, or self-watering pots.

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Hydroponic gardening. Image © Needpix user naidokdin

Indoor drip watering systems water plants on a timer, making them highly consistent and relatively painless to use. However, with obvious tubes connecting the plants, they tend to be rather unsightly. Self-watering pots and planters hold a refillable reservoir and, as the name suggests, water their plants automatically. Unlike indoor drip watering systems, there are no external tubes and faucets to be seen. An aesthetically interesting variation on the self-watering pot is the stackable self-watering container, which essentially becomes a small vertical garden with a hidden automatic watering system. Another aesthetically interesting option is the hydroponic garden, which eliminates soil from the equation and instead supplies water and nutrients to the plants directly. This solution can use smaller containers, facilitates faster plant growth, and decreases the likelihood of plant infections, making it a popular choice.

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Self-watering container. Image © Flickr user Gavin Anderson

Regardless of the type of watering system used, drainage is always an important consideration as well. Without adequate drainage, roots may rot in overly moist conditions. This requirement just means that planters should always have drainage holes and drip trays.

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© Derek Swalwell

Common Plants

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© Shinkenchiku Sha

Gardens can serve different purposes in a home, be it purely aesthetic or to provide fruits and vegetables or a combination of both. Of course, depending on the intended use, different plants will be more effective. Considerations such as lighting, watering, and temperature may also impact plant choices.

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Aloe Vera plant. Image © Pexels user Himesh Mehta

Common House Plants: Spider Plant, Aloe Vera, Weeping Fig, Jade Plant.

Common VegetablesBeets, carrots, herbs, kale, lettuce, mushrooms.

Flowers: Rose of China, Flamingo Flower, Kaffir Lily, various orchids.

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Orchid plants. Image © Flickr user ProFlowers

Display Methods

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© Rafael Gamo

There are a variety of different garden designs that have been innovated over time. Depending on the available square meters and the style of the interior, designers should choose the options that accentuate different aspects of the home and allow better use of space.

Raised Beds

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© Paul Sebesta

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© Frank Lynen

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Courtesy of TAA DESIGN

Vertical Gardens

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© BK

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© Murray Frederick

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© Rafael Gamo

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© Rafael Gamo

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© Alejandro Sanchez

Tiered Planters

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Courtesy of TAA DESIGN

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Courtesy of TAA DESIGN

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Courtesy of TAA DESIGN

Separate Pots

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© Adria Goula

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© Jose Hevia

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© Jose Hevia

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© Adria Goula

Walled, Elevated, and Sunken Gardens

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Courtesy of Ivan Priatman

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© Chendra Cahyadi

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© Chendra Cahyadi

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© Lorena Darquea

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