These Beautiful Images Will ѕtіг Your Emotions, Capturing the Mother’s Sacred Moment. na

‘Whenever and however you intend to give birth, your experience will impact your emotions, your mind, your body and your spirit for the rest of your life.’ – Ina May Gaskin

i was so very blessed to be with this family documenting them bringing their sweet boy earthside. i always say how very blessed i am, and i truly mean it.

i absolutely love that you trust me to document your and your family’s life. this instance was no different. when lisa first contacted me, it was a bit later in pregnancy than most, which is totally fine.

i was very happy that i actually had the availability (normally i book pretty far in advance for births) to get to document her birth.

she quickly informed me of her due date and that this time she’d be welcoming her sweet little at home. i was thrilled for her and her family.

she went over her birth plan with me and told me that she just loves all things birth and she wanted, needed, it documented.

we talked for some time and in a short couple of weeks met in person. we then talked via text messages and over the phone a few times leading up to delivery.

lisa had been having some prodromal labor for a week or so, but especially the 48 hours prior to giving birth. when i saw a text from her in that morning i eagerly opened it, and giggled,when i saw it said ‘why am i still pregnant?!’.

knowing lisa, i knew this was a combination of excitement, joy and being over 40 weeks pregnant. (which let’s face it starts to take a toll and most become anxious to meet their little ones at this point).

i text her some words of encouragement and her reply back was that  she was contracting now every 12 minutes apart, but more intense.

i immediately knew this was it and i was prepping things on my end to head out, thankfully she lives close,while i waited for a text saying they were a bit closer together.

an hour later i got a message she was contracting every four  minutes (i later found out they were so intense that it was the last message she sent out and she wasn’t even positive she sent it… labor tends to do that to you). i arrived about 10 minutes later and about 30 minutes later sweet h was here.

this mama worked so beautifully, and hard, for her sweet boy to come earthside. she was supported and surrounded by love, from her husband midwife and birth assistant, their dog rocco, myself and their daughter came home shortly after. lisa, thank you so much for asking me to document your sweet family! i can’t wait to share your newborn session as well! here are just a few of my favorites from their gallery!

I am now booking birth stories for 2023! Contact me for more information and to document one of the most beautiful times in your life!

Midwifery Care from the amazing Hilary, of  Loudoun Homebirth & Healthcare.





































