The Unresolved Enigmas of the ‘Haunted’ Rocks


This rock was discovered in 1936, making everyone gasp because of this strange thing, not leaning on any objects, this rock is still floating in the air, it is more than 5000 years old, people People here said that this flying rock cannot be moved, many believe this is a miracle that God has given, some people think that this rock is haunted. And scientists have not yet been able to explain why the rock is floating in the air like that.

This is a flying rock discovered in 1940 when the rock was covered with a forest and there was no water. It was later reclaimed by indigenous people. The strange thing was that the vines were tightly wrapped around the rock, making them hover as if they were flying. And the water is then pumped in by humans using artificial machines. This is one of the masterpieces in Columbia and a famous tourist destination of this country.

The rock lies underground in France, they are stacked with human skulls

Corridors and tunnels have existed under Paris since the 13th century due to the exploitation of stone as a building material for the city. However, by the 18th century, with rapid population growth, plague and medieval starvation, cemeteries were increasingly flooded. Therefore, Paris needed more space to store the dead, so people moved these bodies underground, gradually becoming the catacombs like today. These catacombs are filled with corpses and are partially open to visitors. This place is said to have a lot of yin, and there are many stories of tourists seeing fireballs and ghosts appearing and following them when visiting this place. Some people think they were followed by ghosts when they came out of the catacombs. There are even videos on the Internet that are filmed by tourists, recording these strange phenomena.

A rock that knows how to give birth makes anyone who sees it scared

This is a stone block in China, about every 30 years they will give birth to a round stone block as shown in the picture, the special thing is exactly once every 30 years. This leaves scientists with no answers. But for religious people it is believed that these rocks have demonic nature

This is a hand shaped rock in India, a country famous for Hinduism and Buddhism. For Buddhists, it is said that this is the hand of the Buddha that in the past suppressed Sun Wukong. Currently this rock is recognized as an intangible heritage, anyone passing through this desert area stops to take a few photos, some even touch the Buddha’s finger for good luck.

Present more than 3000 years old, this rock in Romania they can move on their own, 1 year they move more than 30 meters, the strange thing here is that people ask why, a rock can move on its own .Scientists still don’t have an answer, but magicians in Romania think that looking at the spiral rock ridges above, you can see that the stone fell to 3000 years old, this may be a fossil from Mars in the zura era.

The precarious rock mass is located in the North of Spain, it has been here for more than 1000 years, thanks to the erosion of the Wind, the rock is precarious with the base being worn and the top large. This is a place where many young people who love to explore come to take photos