The tгаɡіс lion, toгmeпted by a pack of hyenas on a moonless night, seeks ⱱeпɡeапсe for the ɩoѕѕ of its cub. na

The hyena is the lion’s most annoying enemy, they are strong enough to become a force that threatens the lives of the lions because they can steal food or attack their cubs. That’s why the two never lived together peacefully.

The lion is a proud beast, so it is not easy to pass up the opportunity to teach this stubborn and cunning opponent. With absolute superiority in strength, lions can completely kill hyenas in an instant.

Not only adult hyenas but even baby hyenas are also targeted by lions, the male lions below have burrowed and killed 4 hyena cubs before the helplessness of their parents.

Then, the hyena parents called out to their fellows. They call the adult hyenas in the herd to rush to kill the lion in the night.

A terrible war took place, and the hyenas killed a lion to avenge the young killed earlier.

Then the hyenas tore the carcass and ate the lion’s meat savagely and with great joy.