The story of a dog аЬапdoпed on the road next to a bag of diapers and a note is incredibly touching; it’s enough to bring teагѕ to your eyes. na

Having a paralyzed pet, whether a dog or cat, is not easy for any owner due to the specific demands they have. This is why paralyzed dogs are often abandoned by their owners.

Luneta was a beautiful dog, but unfortunately she became paralyzed and was abandoned on the streets of Salta, Argentina.

Luckily, one of the dog care employees noticed Luneta’s situation and was horrified, so he called the Luba Salta rescue group. Soon, two volunteers came to check on Luneta’s health and take her with them.

She was found lying face down on the sidewalk, tied to a railing near a dog grooming facility.

His hind legs were tied to a rusty wheelchair. Next to her was a bag of diapers and a message from her with her name, age, and explanation.

Her former owners indicated that they could no longer care for her and, sadly, they left her no food or water.

Luneta was taken to a shelter and then to a foster family. Volunteers shared her story on her Facebook in hopes of finding her a permanent home.

Eventually, an American family contacted the group and offered to give Luneta a forever home.

Unfortunately, things did not go well for Luneta in her new home. The family did not know how to properly care for a disabled dog and ended up ignoring her, resulting in Luneta contracting staph ɡгаⱱe disease.

It took tremendous effort and medical attention to help her overcome all of her health problems.

After that, another American family stepped in and offered Luneta a home. Together with her new family and enjoying wonderful health, she became one of the happiest dogs we have ever seen.

Luneta was able to play with her dog sister, move around with a specially adapted wheelchair, visit parks, play in the snow and even celebrate Christmas.

Unfortunately, just a month after celebrating her 11th birthday, Luneta fell ill and had to be transferred to the intensive care unit of the university medical һoѕріtаɩ, where she fought for her life again and finally passed away surrounded by her loved ones.

Luneta’s mother posted on Facebook: “I will never forget her and how much she meant to me. She has affected my life forever. She loved her very much.”

Luneta’s journey has come to an end and she is an excellent example of resilience. But one thing is for sure, the last year of Luneta’s life was the best he has ever had.

Share this article with all your friends to honor the memory of this great dog! Rest in peace, Luneta!