The mother lioness гіѕked her life to fіɡһt fiercely with the giant hedgehog super ѕoɩdіeг to protect her cubs from the hand of deаtһ. na

In the wild, adult porcupines are also the target of lion attacks. But this rodent always knows how to defend itself. It will erect spikes and a long, spiky tail towards its enemies, ready to injure or even kill lions.

The video below captures a horrifying scene when a lioness risks her life to attack a hedgehog to protect her cubs.

Specifically, mother and daughter su wtuwr were looking for food when they encountered a hedgehog with thorns all over it. The lioness rushes to attack and try to kill her prey to have meat for her cubs.

However, the lion chose the wrong target, it encountered a formidable opponent. When the lioness attacks, the hedgehog ruffles its thorns and launches it towards the lion to defend itself.

The porcupine’s spines are extremely sharp, piercing the lion’s face and head, causing it to be extremely painful. Get hundreds of porcupine spikes, the lion is powerless against this fearsome opponent.

In the end, the mother lion gave up her prey and sat in place to remove the thorns one by one, while her cubs cried and cried bitterly.

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