The heartbreaking story of a lonely puppy battling illness and hunger on his own.

In Pokhrofskoy Richardalovsky, Ukraine, a young lady reached out to a nearby animal shelter via Facebook, expressing her concern over two forlorn dogs that were left tied up outside a house near her residence. The owner of the dogs had apparently gone missing for a month and had not returned to take care of them.

Meet Xenia, the girl who stumbled upon a putrid smell in a household. Sadly, she was ridiculed for her discovery, causing her to panic and remove her post. The rescuer team from the nearby shelter had no leads on the location, but after seeing a disturbing image, they were motivated to save two cats in peril. They searched for almost three hours, asking around for information. Eventually, they reached the house, broke the lock, and encountered a revolting odor. Tragically, one infant didn’t make it.

The second dog I encountered was a malnourished and frail labrador. It appeared that he had not been fed for several days and was extremely ill. He was crying inconsolably, and his tears continued to stream down his face. It seemed like he was experiencing depression and was too scared to even make eye contact with me, his rescuer.

The nickname Boss was bestowed upon him. An exhausted baby was being transported to the veterinarian in a truck. While Boss undergoes examination, the little one will receive temporary care at the clinic. Remarkably, Boss boasts a healthy appetite and exceptional intelligence.

The situation with Boss is constantly evolving. He was able to break free and was taken into a temporary home where he was greeted with open arms. His future looked bright and full of happiness. However, a remarkable turn of events occurred when Boss was adopted by a family in Kiev, commencing his amazing journey. We can only imagine the incredible experiences that await him. Boss is a true beauty and seems to be enjoying every moment in the company of his loving family. Although we will miss him very much, we are thrilled that he has found such a wonderful home.