The ᴜпѕtoрраЬɩe рoweг of Nature: A Tree’s Inspiring Journey Through Concrete Cracks

Nature has always been a source of inspiration for humans. It shows us that no matter how much we try to control our environment, there are always forces that we cannot overcome. One such force is the resilience of nature, as demonstrated by a tree’s journey through concrete cracks.


Mankind’s relationship with nature is a difficult one – we must use it, live in harmony with it, protect it and protect ourselves from it. These visually striking images that we collected of tree roots colliding with concrete are beautiful symbolic representations of this complicated relationship.

It’s hard to say what it is exactly about tree roots that capture our imagination, but they have done so for thousands of years. They snake through many world cultures’ folk-tales and legends and take root in our symbolic vocabulary. The slow but sure force with which they crush and overcome concrete (and sometimes even steel) inspires visions of a natural reclamation of the civilized world, and their serpentine forms inspire visions of rivers and lightning.

Whatever these photos make you think of, we hope you love them as much as we do!


Image credits: worldbeyondyourown

Image credits: Wei-Feng Xue


Image credits: jakeinator21

Image credits: Horst Kiechle

Image credits: Horst Kiechle


Image credits: Forz

Image credits: Ali


Image credits: Calvin Lee

Image credits: Pietro Bevilacqua

Image credits: winnie wasono


Image credits: Brad Grove