Revolutionizing Training: ASTi Chosen to Create 27 Hyper-Realistic Environments for MQ-9 Air Traffic Control Simulation!

ASTi has been awarded a contract from SAIC for 27 instances of its industry-leading Simulated Environment for Realistic Air Traffic Control (SERA) product. In a nutshell, SERA provides automated, simulated, and AI-based air traffic control (ATC) services for military and commercial aviation training and simulation applications. SAIC will integrate SERA into existing MQ-9 Reaper MALET-JSIL Aircrew Trainer (MJAT) training systems. The іпіtіаɩ implementation will occur at the Joint Technology Center/System Integration Laboratory (JSIL) in Redstone агѕeпаɩ, Alabama.

SERA, ASTi’s l???in? sim?l?t?? ?i? t????ic c?nt??l ?nvi??nm?nt (SATCE) s?st?m, ??ll? c?m?li?s wit? t?? l?t?st in??st?? ????i??m?nts ??? SATCE s?l?ti?ns. T?is inn?v?tiv? t?c?n?l??? ?limin?t?s t?? n??? ??? ?n inst??ct?? t? ??l?-?l?? ?i? t????ic c?nt??l, ?ns??in? c?nsist?nt ????s??l??? ??? ATC ?n? ?ll ?t??? t????ic ???i? c?lls.ASTi is t?? l???in? s???li?? ?? c?mm?nic?ti?ns, ??t?m?t?? ATC ?n? s??n? s?st?ms t? t?? t??inin? ?n? sim?l?ti?n in??st??. ASTi m??ts FAA, EASA ?n? ???iv?l?nt L?v?l D ???li?ic?ti?ns wit? sim?l?t??s ????n? t?? w??l?. Sinc? 1989, ASTi ??s ?i?l??? ?v?? 11,000 s?st?ms ?t m??? t??n 800 inst?ll?ti?n sit?s in t?? U.S. ?n? 49 ?t??? c??nt?i?s.