Retribution in Blood: Leopard Seeks Violent Revenge, Kills Lion, and Feasts on Its Head as a Warning


“The strong win, the weak lose” is an inevitable law in nature and life, and even the most ferocious predators must follow it.Among carnivores, perhaps big cat relatives are predators that are both attractive and courageous.

Among them, lions and leopards are two large cat species that dominate the African grasslands. Although they are related, these two “big cats” have never gotten along with each other.

Leopards even have a grudge against lions, because they are often oppressed or robbed of their hard-earned trophies.

Therefore, when faced with a dispute, leopards often choose to run away to preserve their lives. Holding a grudge in their hearts for a long time, when given the opportunity, the leopard will not hesitate to punish the lion with painful blows, like in the story below.


The video is a horrifying scene of a leopard eating a lion on a tree with the lion’s head dead and its body brutally torn apart by the leopard.

Maybe the lion died for some reason and this was an opportunity for the leopard to carry the lion’s body up a tree to eat it.

A video attracted many viewers and comments about the rare and extremely scary scene when the always weak leopard was able to eat the mighty and bloodthirsty lion.