Even though the whole body was deep under the frog’s throat, the snake tried to find a way to escape.
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The photo “One Last Scream Into the Abysssss”, taken by a photographer a few years ago made a strong impression on viewers. The standard shooting angle helps the photographer capture the moment when the mouths of frogs and snakes simultaneously open. When swallowed by a big green frog, the snake still tried to protrude from the frog’s throat to take the last breath.

According to Jodi Rowley, conservation biologist and explorer of National Geographic, in the picture is a green tree frog in Australia with the scientific name Litoria caerulea .This frog is capable of bulging the intestine to an incredible size to swallow anything that can be hunted.
The main food of tree frogs is insects but sometimes they do not reject large prey such as mice, snakes, and other frogs. Snake meat frogs are twice as long.(Video: National Geographic.)
According to experts, the sight of prey wiggling in the belly bulging or in the mouth of a predator does not rape. Because most predators like amphibians, fish, and reptiles swallow prey when eaten.