Peaceful Unique Phenomenon of Babies Born in Caul: A Rare and Remarkable Sight


After birth, a doctor, doula, or midwife removes the amniotic sac or capsule from the so-called “caul babies,” which emerge into the world with sections of the sac still covering their face or torso. Being born like this is often referred to as being “born in a shirt” or “born in a veil.”

A more peaceful birth is achieved when the infant is placed inside the birth sac for labor and delivery.

While most “in caul” babies are born prematurely, doctors advise that newborns who are at risk of premature birth have a caul delivery to offer them a gentle start in life and preserve the womb-like environment for as long as possible.

1 – This little one was partially born “in caul.”

2 – Removing the rest of the shroud from this adorable baby born in caul… Everything went well even though it happened quite quickly.

3 – How miraculous is a birth in caul? When the baby is delivered “gift-wrapped” in its amniotic sac, this is also known as a “mermaid birth.” Only 1 in 80,000 births occur accidentally, so a midwife is incredibly fortunate to witness this throughout her career.


4 – The amniotic sac of this baby has a portion of the veil still covering it. A birth “in caul,” also known as a birth where the child is delivered inside the mother’s womb, is considered lucky in many cultures.

5 – “There are few words that adequately describe the birthing process that brought Maeve Juliette into our world. I believe she chose us because she knew we would nourish her. She required it. She was given to us as a gift to rival the name that belonged to one of the most beautiful beings I have known.”

6 – You are incredible and deserving, whether your origins are from Earth or Heaven.

7 – Being born in caul made it one in 80,000, but this birth was also worthy of mention because it is ours.

8 – Those lips and tiny toes in this image are so adorable!