No one саme to help, the dog dragged the giant tumor on the ground for a long time

No one саme to help, the dog dragged the giant tumor on the ground for a long time

Dog Drags the Huge Tumor on the Ground for a Long Time Without Any Assistance.


The Animal Kingdom oгɡапіzаtіoп received a tip about a deservingly homeless dog that was dragging the largest tumor on the ground. When the Animal Kingdom Foundation arrived to help, they led her to the doctor’s office so they could examine and treat her.


The only hope was the first exmination.


Antibiotics are now being administered to her as part of her recovery process. She will be assessed in a few days or a week to determine when the big operation will take place.

After a few days, they operated and removed the tumor!


Hope was already chomping on the tumor dangling from her stomach, so the vet opted to operate as quickly as possible.


After receiving therapy for more than 3 hours, the 2.6 kilogram bulk was removed. Hope is currently recovering and is being kept under constant observation.


We can’t wait to see her running, leaping, and playing after only 7 days. She’s eаtіпɡ well, so we’re hoping for a speedy recovery. Hope expresses gratitude to those who have supported her and prayed for her.”

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