Maternal Bravery Unleashed: Three Lionesses Team Up to Protect Cubs, Defeating Crocodile in Remarkable Showdown

Three lionesses pounced on a crocodile in an extraordinary scene after the reptile tried to attack one of the pride’s cubs.

The extraordinary encounter took place in Botswana and was captured on camera by a touring cardiologist

A lioness stared down the crocodile after it tried to snap at a cub

The lionesses circled around the crocodile

During the encounter the crocodile managed to bite one of the big cats but was soon killed by the pride.

One lioness let out a roar inches from the croc’s face

Three lionesses then pounced on the aggressive beast

The crocodile reared in pain as the lioness struck a blow

‘This resulted in an eruption from the three nearby lionesses who went for the croc in an organised fashion.

The crocodile only managed to get in one bite before it was killed by the protective pride

‘The whole thing lasted about 15 minutes and was only witnessed by my son, our driver and myself.

The cubs were brought in for a snack after the crocodile was killed