Intriguing Phenomenon: Researchers Stunned by the Appearance of a Mysterious Dolphin-Like Creature on the Shoreline


Stunned researchers stumbled across the 19ft 6in carcass on the idyllic coastline of Dorob National Park, Namibia last week.

The bizarre sea animal appears to resemble both a whale and a dolphin, but its advanced state of decomposition made it hard to identify.

Scientists initially said they had “had no idea” what it was, however, now believe the animal could be a Cuvier’s beaked whale.

If that is the case, this marks only the second time one of the animals has been found in Namibia since 2000.


Namibian Dolphin Project (NDP) researcher Dr Simon Elwen wrote on Facebook: “On first sighting we had no idea what species it was.

ODD: The rotting remains of a mystery creature (Image: Facebook/Namibian Dolphin Project)

“The body of this animal was in an advanced state of decomposition – making it look rather un-whale like and there were several confused reports on social media.


“However, based on the shape of the head and snout and the overall size my research team are fairly confident that the specimen is a Cuvier’s beaked whale”, he added.

Cuvier’s beaked whales have bodies shaped like torpedoes, foreheads that slope into short beaks and curved mouths with a vaguely “smiling” appearance.


They inhabit deep-water regions from the tropics to cool temperate waters.



Scary washed up sea creatures





Dr Elwen said it was not possible to identify the cause of death as it was too decomposed and its head was severely crushed.

“The lower jawbone was cracked and broken quite severely, however, given the state of the corpse and the absence of any apparent external injuries, the damage to the jaw was possibly post-mortem”, said Dr Elwen.

“I was quite surprised. These animals are rarely seen in the water, so to see them on land is very unique,” he said.

Cuvier’s whales can be found in a number of different deep offshore waters from the tropics to cool seas.

They can be up to 23ft long and weigh 2,500kg.



It is thought there may be over 100,000 of the creatures in seas across the world.