In a distressing eпсoᴜпteг, the wіɩd horse ѕᴜffeгed excruciating раіп as the Komodo dragon injected рoіѕoп into its body, ultimately concluding its life in a manner marked by extгeme сгᴜeɩtу.

Komodo dragons have a different way of hunting than most other wild animals.

Despite its reputation as the only dragon that actually exists on earth, most people don’t know how komodo dragons hunt. With their large and slow bodies, they rarely attack their prey directly

A wild horse on Rinca Island, Indonesia became the target of an attack by a herd of Komodo dragons, unrivaled hunters on this island. The island is a Komodo dragon sanctuary and also a Komodo National Park.

Three Komodo dragons cornered the victim against tree roots, making it difficult for the horse to escape, then they took turns biting the horse’s hind legs. These bites not only make the wound infected but also inject venom into the prey.

The Komodo dragons then patiently wait for the poison to absorb and the only thing left for them is to fight over each piece of meat. the victim.