In a һeагt-wrenching scene, observers раіпfᴜɩɩу witnessed a lion mаᴜɩіпɡ the mother snake to deаtһ. In a silent act of гeⱱeпɡe, three king cobras utilized their ⱱeпom to lethally ѕtгіke the lions during the night.

The king cobra is a venomous snake of the family Elapidae (Tiger family), distributed mainly in the jungle regions stretching from India to Southeast Asia. The king cobra is the longest venomous snake in the world with the longest individual ever recorded at 5.85 m.

King cobras can hunt throughout the day. When in danger, the king cobra will try to escape quickly and avoid confrontation. However, if provoked, they become very aggressive, possessing an amazing poison filter that can kill two elephants at once.

When facing an opponent, the king cobra will stretch its body forward and look directly into the opponent’s eyes then widen its gills, revealing fangs and hiss loudly to threaten the enemy, but when faced with too stubborn enemies, they can also release deadly poison rays to strike suddenly to bring down the opponent.

In the video below, a herd of lions accidentally attacked and killed a pregnant female cobra, making the whole group of king cobras extremely angry, the snakes could not keep their composure and rushed to find the lions to attack for revenge.

Watching the king cobra slowly approach the lions was thrilling, after successfully taking over the worker termites when the lions did not notice the snakes suddenly used a poison filter to attack the eyes and head of the sleeping lions.


When they were poisoned by them because of the pain, the lions ran madly in many directions, after attacking the lions, the snakes quickly ran into the nearby bushes to watch the lions struggle to death in pain and then left.