I was incredibly ѕᴜгргіѕed to come across a sweet puppy on the street with a noticeably large hernia in her Ьeɩɩу. na

According to Star гeѕсᴜe Network, RSA India received a call about a small puppy. The puppy had a giant lump. They called him Rahi.

His mass was so large that he could not rest comfortably in his usual position. Rahi is a stray puppy. She was alone with no one to take care of her. Rahi is very young and fearless.

The huge lump on Rahi’s belly was very big. He looked like a giant tᴜmoг. Rahi was immediately taken for medical attention.

However, after careful observation, the veterinary team thought that the large lump was an inguinal hernia. The veterinary team anesthetized Rahi to perform various operations.

According to veterinary medicine, surgery is the safest option even if it is small. After completing the surgery, Rahi was stitched. She also had two loose teeth extracted.

Rahi just needed to rest for a while. Rahi was in a beautiful shelter and she was being cared for by the shelter staff.

Two days after surgery, she was really weak. But now she was very happy and healthier.

After several days, the staff noticed that she seemed more comfortable. In particular, when going to bed, she no longer had to deal with a giant lump. She recovered quickly.

Rahi recovered from the surgery and became a happy and excited dog.