Heartwarming moment: The big dog’s adorable reaction to the kitten(VIDEO)

Jessie, the adorable German Shepherd puppy, is surrounded by four equally adorable kittens. They are lounging on a bed, and they look irresistible together.

Jessie, with her floppy ears, her herding, protector, and maternal instincts. She already has the GSD herding instincts at such a young age. She counts the herd to make sure all her kittens are accounted for. She even keeps the kittens from getting too near the edge of the bed. She loves to lick her kittens and take care of them.

They look so cute together, and they, as the kittens, seem to line up in front of her and look cute for the camera. The little calico is so pretty, and she climbs on Jessie’s paw. She does not seem to mind. All of the kittens and the GSD will steal your heart. Jessie looks at the kittens with such love and adoration. She does not seem to be confused by the kitties; she looks more like she is playing with them.

The way the GSD loves the kitties is so precious, and they return the same emotion. The whole group of animals is so much fun to watch. Jessie is so much bigger than them, but she is still so gentle. She knows she is the boss for now, but soon the kittens will rule the puppy’s world, as everyone knows cats are the boss! Jessie is forming a sweet relationship with these four little angels, which is beautiful. Watch this video if you believe in the power of cuteness. You will get an ample supply of it!