Heart-Breaking Story: “Mummified” Baby Orangutan Abandoned In Box


A baby orangutan, now named “Gito,” was found abandoned and lifeless in a box by staff at International Animal Rescue (IAR). He was in such poor condition that rescuers initially didn’t think he would pull through.

Image: International Animal Rescue

IAR said on their YouTube channel, “His arms were folded corpse-like across his tiny body and he looked almost mummified in his cardboard coffin.”

Gito had a painful skin condition and was too weak to hold himself up.  Luckily, IAR veterinary personnel stepped in just in time to administer fluids and nutrients. They also soothed his painful skin with coconut oil treatments.

This sweet orangutan is yet another victim of deforestation in Borneo. Vast amounts of forests are being cleared to create room for palm oil plantations; Palm oil is added to products to give it a creamy texture.

You can help put an end to this industry by checking ingredients and not spending your money on products containing palm oil.

This story does has a happy ending: After 2 months of round-the-clock care, Gito was healthy and alert, and looking like an entirely new orangutan! He may even one day be able to start a new life at home in the wild.

Watch his amazing transformation in these Before and After videos!





Learn more about the plight of orangutans like this one here.Want to help? You can support International Animal Rescue’s efforts, or even “Adopt” Gito here!