Heart-breaking: 71 Short-Beaked Dolphins Mysteriously Wash Up on Argentina Beach Resort

In a tragic incident, 61 short-beaked dolphins were found washed ashore in Puerto Medryn, an Argentinian city in northern Patagonia.

The incident was reported by a couple who noticed a higher than normal number of birds on the beach and realized they were pecking at scores of dolphins.

While 49 of them died on the coast of the El Doradillo Protected Natural Area, the remaining 12 were saved and returned to the sea alive.

Mystery as Dozens of Dolphins Wash Up on the Same Beach

The operation was led by Mariano Coscarella and Silvana Dans, two scientists from the Marine Mammal Laboratory for the Study of Marine Systems.

According to Mr Coscarella, this is the first case of marine mammals being stranded in this region, making it an unprecedented situation.

An investigation into the stranding of the dolphins will begin once the dead specimens have been stored. Secretary of Protected Areas Nestor Garcia suggested that a large influx of killer whales around the coast might have driven the dolphins to shore.

However, he added that they will have to wait for the results of the investigation to confirm the cause.

Devastating images show popular beach covered with dozens of dead dolphins  after mass stranding - World News - Mirror Online

The incident has raised concerns about the safety of aquatic mammals in the region. Short-beaked dolphins are a common sight in the waters around Argentina, and their sudden stranding has left scientists puzzled.

While the exact cause of the incident is yet to be determined, experts believe that it could be due to a variety of factors, including climate change, pollution, and human interference.

Nearly 50 dolphins die as 61 wash up on Argentinian beach | Daily Mail  Online

The incident has also highlighted the need for better conservation efforts to protect marine life in the region.

The El Doradillo Protected Natural Area, where the dolphins were found, is a popular tourist destination known for its diverse marine life. However, the incident has raised questions about the effectiveness of conservation efforts in the area.

In conclusion, the stranding of 61 short-beaked dolphins in Argentina is a tragic incident that has raised concerns about the safety of aquatic mammals in the region.

While the exact cause of the incident is yet to be determined, it highlights the need for better conservation efforts to protect marine life in the area.

The incident also underscores the importance of raising awareness about the impact of climate change, pollution, and human interference on marine ecosystems.