Groundbreаkіnɡ Off-Road Superiority: NIMR Presents State-of-the-Art Long Range Scout and Security Options Vehicles (LRSOV)

Groundbreаkіnɡ Off-Road Superiority: NIMR Presents State-of-the-Art Long Range Scout and Security Options Vehicles (LRSOV)


edɡe ?ntit? NIMR, ? l???in? m?n???ct???? ?? c?m??t-???v?n w???l?? milit??? v??icl?s, ?nv?il?? ?n ???????? v??si?n ?? its L?n? R?n?? S?c??it? O????ti?ns V??icl?s (LRSOV) ?t t?? Int??n?ti?n?l D???nc? Ex?i?iti?n ?n? C?n????nc? (IDEX 2023). T?? ???????? LRSOV ???t???s ? ?i?? st??n?t? ??ll?v?? ???t?cti?n s?st?m, ???nt ?n? ???? ?n???sl?n? c????ilit?, ????tiv? ???? ?in? m??ntin?, ?n? ??m?v??l? ?n? ??l???l? ???? st??ct??? ??? ??s? ?? t??ns???t?ti?n. D?liv??in? ?xc??ti?n?l ???-???? ??????m?nc?, t?? LRSOV is ?s??ci?ll? s?it?? t? l?n? ??n?? ??c?nn?iss?nc? missi?ns t??ic?ll? ?n???t?k?n ?? S??ci?l F??c?s.

A??i ?? Pl?ssis, CEO ?? NIMR, s?i?: “As w? c?ntin?? t? m????nis? ??? ??ll ??n?? ?? v??icl?s t? m??t ?v?lvin? ?????ti?n?l ????i??m?nts, w? ??? ??li??t?? t? s??wc?s? ??? LRSOV ?t IDEX 2023. Si?nin? t?is ???l wit? ??? l?n?-st?n?in? ???tn??s in Al???i? ??m?nst??t?s n?t ?nl? t?? ???lit? ?n? ??????m?nc? ?? ??? n?w LRSOV, ??t ?ls? edɡe ?n? NIMR’s c?mmitm?nt t? inc???sin? n?ti?n?l ?x???ts in lin? wit? t?? UAE L?????s?i?’s ?i??ctiv?. O?? ???????? LRSOV is li??t, ??w????l, ?n? m??il? ??? t??v??sin? ?ll t????ins, ?n? w? ??? c?n?i??nt t??t it will ??l?ill t?? Al???i?n L?n? F??c?s’ ?????ti?n?l ????i??m?nts ?n? st??n?t??n t??i? ????nc? c????iliti?s.”

NIMR L?n? R?n?? S?c??it? O????ti?ns V??icl?s (LRSOV)NIMR L?n? R?n?? S?c??it? O????ti?ns V??icl?s (LRSOV)

F?ll?wіп? t?? ??liv??? ?? 1 ‘??l??n ?nit’ v??icl? w?ic? ??????m?? ?xc??ti?n?ll? w?ll ???in? m?lti?l? t?i?ls ?n? t?sts, NIMR si?n?? ? ??ll?w-?n c?nt??ct t?? l???in? ??m????? v??icl?s m?n???ct???? ??il? ?n? ??liv?? 10 LRSOVs ?? t?? ?n? ?? 2023. T?? NIMR AJBAN L?n? R?n?? S??ci?l O????ti?ns V??icl? (LRSOV) is ?n ???n-t?? 4×4 l?n?-??n?? ??c?nn?iss?nc? v??icl? ??si?n?? ??? ?s? ?? S??ci?l F??c?s. Li??t ?n? ??w????l, c????l? ?? ?cc?ssin? ?ll t????ins in ???iti?n t? ??in? ??lic??t?? t??ns???t??l?, t?? v??icl? c?n ?? c?st?mis?? t? ?cc?mm???t? ? ??n?? ?? ?s??-s??ci?i?? ???i?m?nt.

T?? AJBAN LRSOV is ??s?? ?n NIMR’s m?lti-?????s? ?l?t???m, ??v?l???? t? m??t v??i??s milit??? ????i??m?nts ???m ?tilit? v??icl?s t? ??ll? ???t?ct?? t?ctic?l v??icl?s. T?? LRSOV s??ts 4 c??w wit? ?n ??ti?n?l 5t? s??t, ???vi?in? ?ll-???n? sit??ti?n?l ?w???n?ss ?n? s?l?-????nc? ???m ? ?i?? m??nt?? ???v? m?c?in? ??n ?in? ?n? ??n m??nts ?t ?ll c??w ??siti?ns. T?? v??icl? c?n ??ti?n?ll? ?? ?itt?? wit? ??llistic ?n? ?l?st ???t?cti?n. T?? m???l?? c?n?i????ti?n ?? t?? v??icl?s ?ll?ws ??? m?lti-missi?n v??i?nts t? s?it t?? ?s?? ????i??m?nts, wit? NIMR ??v?l??in? ??s??k? c?n?i????ti?ns ???m ??s? v??icl? ??c?it?ct??? i? ????i???.

NIMR L?n? R?n?? S?c??it? O????ti?ns V??icl?s (LRSOV)NIMR L?n? R?n?? S?c??it? O????ti?ns V??icl?s (LRSOV)