Garden accessories and gardening tools store: 31 Ideas for cool storage can be kept perfectly in a small shed

Storage boxes, small tool shed, or at least a system of control in the garden of the house – we show you 20 practical ideas on how to store garden accessories and garden .

Accessories for the garden and garden equipment store – warehouse

Accessories and garden tools garden can be kept perfectly in a small shed. It is very important that the warehouse is sealed. Technically gifted gardeners can build garden shed wood itself. Just draw the size and able to cut the pieces of wood at the hardware store. Earth Stable / Create example, concrete pavers to build the wooden structure and organize garden equipment. Optionally, a tool shed thrive on wooden fence – and also replant. The second variant is a metal shed – is extremely stable and is often supplied as a unit. Here, proper care is essential – a special coating against rust is absolutely necessary. The third possibility is called Anlehnhaus that can be constructed, for example, in the yard. For Anlehnhaus you need a permit.

Gert garden accessories and hardware store – space-saving alternative to the summer house

Space-saving alternative to the tool shed, storage boxes or a bench with storage space. Thus, garden space available is used in an optimal way – and at the same time sees the row of garden. The downside – space is limited and there is often no clear order.

Hangar metal

Anlehnhaus timber provides space for pots, watering cans and seeds

Accessories for the garden – cottage garden with decking

Modern appliances made ​​of metal – also suitable for storage of bicycles

Keep the cold-sensitive plants in the home garden

A prefabricated shed with small windows and gabled roof

Plastic boxes – bulky alternative to the toolshed

A Anlehnhaus is a culture, if the authorization is required by the authorities

Storage for garden accessories – Circuit cottage behind the house

Bench with Rattan Storage – alternative space

Wooden container

Practical devices and home compact metal

