Following a fierce skirmish with an antelope, the cheetah emerged wounded, bearing the scars of battle.pntn


Cheeath is a predator with a high success rate in the wild. Cheeath possesses a speed of up to 130km / h with a strong bite force that can kill any animal.

But there were also some moments of agonizing defeats by leopards and gazelles that taught Cheeath a lesson and a lifelong scar.

Cheeatah ambushed and entered a speed race with the antelope and it quickly won when it stopped the antelope.

But the real battle has just begun, the antelope is outnumbered by the cheetah and it’s a big challenge. Cheetah has difficulty attacking the weak point of the antelope.

The antelope began to attack the cheetah and the cheetah had no way to dodge. The antelope repeatedly gored and left many wounds on the cheetah.

Newborn cheetahs have also received an early life lesson and must run away with their mother to survive.

In a rare moment, the predator almost becomes the victim.