Hayden Howard sensed something was amiss with her dog last spring. While Hayden was at home, Jackson, her English mastiff, played in the backyard.



“One was stuck directly under the eyelid, one in the ear, one in the knee,” Hayden adds.


I don’t understand how somebody could be so cruel to a dog, especially when it didn’t injure anyone. It was assumed that the bullets were fired from an adjacent yard, and police launched a manhunt for the offender.
They soon discovered concealed rounds and a weapon in an adjacent residence. The next-door neighbor had previously been convicted of drug-related offenses.

I sincerely hope that the perpetrator guilty for what he did to Jackson receives a lengthy jail sentence and pays for his heinous act.
And I’d like to assume that after he’s released, he won’t be able to harm any animals again.
Despite a devastating injury, Jackson recovers rapidly, according to Hayden.
I sincerely hope that Jackson will heal completely and be able to play in the garden securely again soon.