Espescial 4-year-old lets her inner star shine when she hears favorite song play in school ceremony


Who doesn’t enjoy school ceremonies, especially when there’s singing and dancing involved?

We all love watching kids perform, and their cute moves always bring a smile to our faces, making even the worst days better.

Some kids stand out more than others.

The whole thing was captured on camera and posted on YouTube, where it went viral with almost half a million views and hundreds of likes and comments.

In the video, we can see Sophia being in the front row, ready to shine- and she does when what seems to be her favorite song comes on.

A diva in the making.Not caring about what others do around her, Sophia’s only concern is to perform the song as best she can, and she truly does an excellent job.

She sings and accompanies the song with matching bold moves as if she were the only one performing on stage, even though there’s a whole crowd of preschoolers around her.

The other children around her don’t really seem to be bothered by Sophia standing out, although there’s a girl behind her who points at her at some point.

We bet she just wanted to make sure her parents could have her in the video with all the show happening right in front of her!

The lip-syncing queen goes on with the same passion throughout the song, giving it all at the end.

She’s really amazing!The little girl’s performance was so successful that even Ellen DeGeneres invited Sophia to sing in her show.

Indeed, Sophia met Ellen for a short interview, where she admitted being “happy and excited” about the fact that her performance went viral.

She also brought a little drawing of Dory from Finding Nemo for Ellen, which the tv hostess had a hard time recognizing.

Watch Sophia steal the show during her preschool graduation in the video below!Please SHARE this with your friends and family