L?????s ?x??ct t? c?m? ?c??ss s?m? thin?s wh?n th?? c?t ??wn t???s. Bi??’s n?sts ?n? thin?s st?ck in th? ???nch?s s??m lik? ? ?iv?n – ? m?mmi?i?? ??? in th? c?nt?? ?? ? t???, h?w?v??, ???s n?t.
B?t th?t’s ?x?ctl? wh?t ? t??m ?? l?????s with th? G????i? K???t C???. ???n? whil? c?ttin? ??wn ? t??? in th? 1980s.
Th? l?????s w??? w??kin? ?n ? ???v? ?? ch?stn?t ??ks in s??th??n G????i? wh?n th?? ???n? ? m?st ?n?s??l si?ht.

Stuckie, as the dog is affectionately known now, still ѕtᴜсk in his tree more than 50 years later.
A?t?? c?ttin? ??? th? t?? ?? th? t???, ?n? l???in? it ?nt? ? t??ck ??? t??ns???t, ? m?m??? ?? th? t??m h????n?? t? ???? ??wn th? h?ll?w t??nk.
Insi??, h? ???n? th? ?????ctl? m?mmi?i?? ??m?ins ?? ? ???, l??kin? ??ck ?t him, its t??th still ????? in ? ?i?ht ??? s??viv?l.
Ex???ts wh? st??i?? th? c??c?ss c?ncl???? th?t th? ??? w?s m?st lik?l? ? h?ntin? ??? ???m th? 1960s, wh? h?? ch?s?? s?m?thin? s?ch ?s ? s??i???l th????h ? h?l? in th? ???ts, ?n? ?? th? c?nt?? ?? th? h?ll?w t???.

Th? hi?h?? th? ??? ??t, h?w?v??, th? n????w?? th? t??? ??c?m?. F??m th? ??siti?n ?? th? ???’s ??ws, ?x???ts ??li?v? th?t it c?ntin??? t? clim? ?ntil it ????ctiv?l? w????? its?l? in. Un??l? t? t??n ????n?, th? ??? ?i??.
D?? t? ? ?????ct s?t ?? ci?c?mst?nc?s, h?w?v??, th???h it w?s ????, it w?s n?t ?????tt?n.
N??m?ll?, ? ??? th?t h?? ?i?? in th? wil? w??l? s?cc?m? t? ??c?? ?n? ?? ??t?n ?? ?th?? ???????s.

H?w?v??, ?s th? ??? h?? ?i?? insi?? ? t???, it w?s ?nlik?l? th?t ?th?? ?nim?ls c??l? ???ch it – ?n?, ??? t? th? h?i?ht ?? th? ????, it w?s ?nlik?l? th?t ?th?? ?nim?ls c??l? sm?ll it ?ith??.
A??iti?n?ll?, th? kin? ?? t??? th?t th? ??? h?? l????? its?l? in w?s ?ni???l? ???li?i?? t? l?n? its?l? t? th? n?t???l m?mmi?ic?ti?n ???c?ss.
Ch?stn?t ??ks c?nt?in t?nnins, which ??? ?s?? in t?xi???m? ?n? t?nnin? t? t???t ?nim?l ??lts s? th?t th?? ??n’t ??c??. Th? t?nnins ???m th? insi?? ?? th? t??? s????? ??t int? th? ??? ?n? ???v?nt?? it ???m ??ttin? insi??.

Th? ??? ?nvi??nm?nt insi?? th? t??nk ?ls? ???vi??? sh?lt?? ???m th? ?l?m?nts ?n? s?ck?? th? m?ist??? ???m th? c??c?ss. Th? ?i? th?t w?s s?ck?? int? th? t??? th????h th? ??s? c???t?? ? s??t ?? v?c??m ????ct, ???th?? c?nt?i??tin? t? th? ???in? ???c?ss.
A?t?? ?in?in? th? m?mmi?i?? ???, th? l?????s ??ci??? t? t?k? it t? ? m?s??m, t? sh?w ??? th? ???? si?ht t? th? w??l?.
Th? ???, n?w ????cti?n?t?l? c?ll?? “St?cki?,” ??si??s ?t th? S??th??n F???st W??l? m?s??m, still ?nc?s?? in his w???? t?m?, ?n? ?n ?is?l?? ??? th? w??l? t? s??.