This is the moment a brave buffalo charged three lions after they grabbed a young calf from the herd.
The hungry lions crept up on the buffalo and calf in north-west Tanzania, East Africa, causing them to disperse in a terrifying 90-second ordeal.

The buffalo become separated from the herd when it turns back to face the lions and protect its young calf

While the buffalo stands up to two of the lions, a third big cat approaches from behind to close in on the calf
Only the quick-thinking reactions of the the adult buffalo saved young calf from death.

The brave buffalo charges the three lions as one snatches the calf away from its mother and runs off with it

Despite the buffalo’s best efforts to keep the lions at bay, the animals outnumber her and edge closer to her calf

It seems all is lost as the lions make off with their prey, closely followed by the distressed mother
Amateur photographer Andreas Häntzschel, 39 from Aachen, Germany, captured the whole clash on camera while he was on safari.

The buffalo charges a the lions and manages to snatch her young back, closely followed by the rest of the herd who charge the big cats
‘To see lions is not too spectacular but to see them fighting is great. The buffaloes were very courageous to save themselves.’