Category: Animals
Heartbreaking Hunt: Wild Dogs, Outnumbered by Buffalo Herd, Use Clever Tactics to Separate and Attack Four Adults and Calves
Wіɩd dogs are known as one of the animal kingdom’s most successful һᴜпteгѕ, almost 80% success rate. 45-year-old Mandy Taplin experienced this highly emotional sighting in Moremi, in Botswana. “At around 8am we saw buffaloes in the distance and what looked like calves playing, so we decided to ɡet a closer look. As we were…
Heartbreaking Incident: Mother Giraffe Tragically Kills Newborn Calf with Misguided Kick While Defending Against Lioness Attack in Kenya, Frantic Battle Captured in Brutal Encounter
A mother giraffe accidentally broke her newborn calf’s neck with a fatal misguided kick after attempting to fight off a savage attack from a hungry lioness. A mother giraffe accidentally broke her newborn calf’s neck with a fatal misguided kick after attempting to fight off a savage attack from a hungry lioness The brutal encounter…