Bravo! 10-Year-Old Girl Comes to the Aid of a Stranded Giant Pacific Octopus with Just a Bucket

Here’s a feel good story for you.

A beached giant Pacific octopus has a 10-year-old girl to thank for saving its life. The creature had washed ashore in Washington State, and needing to be submerged in water in order to breathe, was slowly suffocating.

The girl used a toy pail that she had to pour water onto the marine animal so it could breathe and continue to move towards the ocean. She continued to do so until wildlife officials were able to make it to the scene and help rescue the octopus and return it to the sea.

Goes to show you that not all people are bad people, and a great example of paying it forward and helping out the fellow life form on planet Earth.

Even though I’m slightly scared of octopuses and squids, I’m happy that the creature was able to make its way back into the ocean.

Now if you watched that video and said “wait, did this article writer say they were scared of octopuses,” please let me explain. If you watched the video and you yourself were a little creeped out watching the giant octopus slowly crawl across the rocks, stay with me.

Watch the Video: