Amazing Footage: Fairies Fly in India and Amaze Audiences (VIDEO)

A tornado is a rapidly rotating column of air that connects a multi-nimbus cloud, or sometimes a cumulus cloud, to the ground. It is a destructive natural phenomenon that can blow away anything in its path. Throughout history, there have been numerous noteworthy tornado events, such as large tornadoes that occurred in various parts of the world. One particularly intriguing incident involved an elephant flying above the ground and being caught in the vortex of a tornado. The moment this happened was captured by the @daman_santal72 Instagram account. Like a lightweight piece of paper caught in the wind, the elephant was tossedaound and floated in the air as the tornado raged.

In a video, there is visible evidence of an elephant being thrown around by a tornado, spinning in different directions. The footage can be quite scary for anyone who happens to watch it. Elephants are known to be the largest land mammals that exist in the world today. Tornados are powerful winds that rotate at speeds of more than 63 km/h and can last up to five minutes. They have the ability to lift and hurl objects in all directions with immense force. Despite their substantial body weight, in a video, we observe an elephant being swept up and carried off by the tornado. It’s hard to believe that such a large animal can be lifted so quickly and easily. However, the video does not show a real elephant being carried away by the tornado; it’s a phenomenon that occurs every year or so in Honduras where fish rain down from the sky.


In the 1860s, there was a famine and a Catholic missionary named Jos Manuel Subirana prayed for a miracle. The first fish miraculously appeared as an answer to his prayer. However, this is not a unique event as similar phenomena have occurred in other parts of the world. For instance, in 2010, small fish rained down in a city in Australia, and in 2022, similar events occurred in Telangana, India.

It’s not just fish that experience strange occurrences, as other animals are involved too. A noteworthy example is the event that took place in Memphis, Tennessee in 1877, where a rain of snakes fell from the sky. As if that wasn’t scary enough, there have been reports of fire tornadoes as well. Recently, in Brazil, a rare and terrifying sight was witnessed where a fire tornado consumed an abandoned farmland near the go-210 highway.


Santa Helena, known for its natural beauty, witnessed an unusual event that was captured on a mobile phone camera. Fire users observed a tornado-like movement with low speed, creating contortions in the air. The footage shows a fire burning and rotating at high speed, emitting light from its center. The plants caught fire, and thick black smoke rose into the air. The local fire department reported that the fire tornado reached a height of over 80 meters, making it extremely dangerous. Local residents witnessed multiple explosions from the center of the vortex, and even the fire passed through the water. Fortunately, the firefighters managed to control the fire, and the water was sucked up into the sky.

On the morning of May 27th, 2023, residents of Karimun Regency in the Riau Islands witnessed a fascinating natural phenomenon in the sky – a waterspot or a large-sized water vortex. The incident caused quite a stir among the locals, who captured and shared the moment on social media. According to the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), a waterspot is similar to a tornado, but it occurs above the waters. This remarkable occurrence serves as a reminder of the beauty and power of nature.