Amazing about P-51 Mustang: Spectacular sound! No Announcer

The Resurrected Veteran Plane

This P-51D Mustang will hook you right from the beginning.



After flying over the camera, “Quick Silver” does a barrel roll and transitions into a 4-Point Hesitation Roll right after. Next, the pilot gained speed and pulled up to do an impressive Cuban 8 and a barrel roll when the plane leveled. To close off a spectacular show, he performs a 16-Point Hesitation Roll almost like he does it every day!



What’s even more impressive about this plane is that it was built from over 200 Mustang parts and projects. Scott Yoak gave everyone something to talk about after this show, that’s for sure.

Before you watch it though, make sure you have your headphones on. You don’t wanna miss the sound of the Packard!