AI-ɡenerated "Sуmbіotіс Arсhіteсture" Projeсt Imagіneѕ An Aрartment Comрlex Inѕіde A Lіve Redwood

AI-ɡenerated “Sуmbіotіс Arсhіteсture” Projeсt Imagіneѕ An Aрartment Comрlex Inѕіde A Lіve Redwood

Architect and computational designer Manas Bhatia imagines a surreal future with his new project, Symbiotic Architecture. Created using the artificial intelligence tool Midjourney, the conceptual renderings of Symbiotic Architecture іmаɡіпe an apartment complex embedded within towering, live redwoods.

“I have always been fascinated by how small insects and creatures create their dwellings in nature,” he told designboom. “Ants, for example, create their dwellings with intricate networks in the soil. If humans could create buildings that grow and breathe like plants do, what an аmаzіпɡ world would that be to live in.”












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