Against All Odds: Baby Elephant’s Heroic Actions Lead to Heartwarming Reunion with Mother

Hang in there, mum! Baby elephant clings to sedated mother after calf was rescued from pit


An adorable elephant calf refused to leave her mother’s side after she was tranquilized by vets trying to rescue her baby from a pit.

Vets were forced to tranquilize the mother as they tried to rescue the calf from a pit in South Luangwa National Park, Zambia, because she was so agitated.

But as soon as the baby elephant was returned to safety, she ran straight to her mother and wouldn’t leave her side until she was revived.


<em>Bond – the calf and mother had been struggling all night after the calf got stuck in a man-made pit (Pictures: Caters)</em>
Bond – the calf and mother had been struggling all night after the calf got stuck in a man-made pit (Pictures: Caters)

Nearby villagers discovered the pair after hearing the mother’s cries.

But when rescuers tried to help the trapped calf, they were forced to knock her mum out because she was so anxious.

As soon as the mum was unconscious, rescuers could lift the baby out and carry her back to her mother, Conservation South Luangwa’s CEO Rachel McRobb reportedly said.

As vets tried to bring the mother round, her baby clung to her and put her trunk on her mother’s ear.


<em>Adorable – the calf clung to her mother until she came round</em>
Adorable – the calf clung to her mother until she came round

She said: “She got a bit defensive for a minute when we put her down and then decided our vet was helping and wouldn’t leave him alone.

“We reversed the mum with the antidote and as soon as she started to get up the baby suckled immediately. She must have been really hungry from all night in the pit.”

<em>Stuck – the calf had got stuck in the pit and struggled to get out</em>
Stuck – the calf had got stuck in the pit and struggled to get out