Adorable Mission: SeaWorld staffers rescue sea lion hanging out on San Diego highway

Sea lions don’t belong on the road.

Crew members from SeaWorld rescued a sea lion after it somehow ended up on a busy highway in San Diego. Fortunately, the animal was successfully captured and removed from the scene without issues.

The incident occurred this morning around 9:40 a.m., Fox 5 reports. The animal was spotted in the eastbound lane of Route 94, near the Mount Hope neighborhood.

Traffic on the highway slowed down after drivers noticed the animal.

Crew members from nearby SeaWorld were called to the scene to help capture the animal. The workers were able to use a net to secure the animal and then move it to safety. After the workers secured the animal, it was loaded into a truck and transported to another location.

Officials aren’t certain how the sea lion ended up on the highway as it is not close to the ocean.

Crew members from SeaWorld rescued a sea lion after it somehow ended up on a busy highway in San Diego.SeaWorld San Diego/Facebook

The workers were able to use a net to secure the sea lion.SeaWorld San Diego/Facebook

The SeaWorld rescue team responded to several calls about a sea lion on Highway 94.FOX 5 San Diego

The runaway sea lion was loaded into a truck and transported to another location.SeaWorld San Diego/Facebook

Officials aren’t certain how the sea lion ended up on the highway.SeaWorld San Diego/Facebook