Top 38 ways to create a relaxing atmosphere for lounging outside with a wooden deck and a small pond

Share ideas for decorating an outdoor water park. With slatted floor used to decorate the exterior of the balcony. Around the pool around the koi ponds and water parks, create a relaxing atmosphere for lounging outside. With a wooden balcony with a small pond let’s take a look at some ideas…Credit: Pinterest

Wooden deck with a small pond.

Garden around the pond with wooden deck.

Beautiful, shady, cool in the corner of the garden next to the house.

Outdoor patio with a small pond.

Landscaping that combines a fish pond with a wooden balcony.

Create a relaxing atmosphere for sitting outside.

Wooden balcony with a small pond.


Wooden balcony with a small pond a lion spraying water supplemented with various types of hangers.

Design a long wooden balcony from the house to the wall leaving space for making a small pond.

Build a wooden terrace around the pool. To sit in a circle to eat or talk comfortably.

Outdoor pond decoration with slatted bridge.


Decorated around the pool, fish pond with wooden balcony.




















