Topi antelope unleashes full foгсe to launch hyena into the sky, safeguarding her cubs. na

Tour guide Kevin Sayialel was taking tourists to the Great Plains Conservation Area, Kenya, when he discovered an antelope with its newborn calf.

The impressive clip shows a hyena using its teeth to try to drag the baby antelope away. In a dangerous situation, the mother Topi antelope risked her life to rush towards the hyena and then used her horn to attack the hunter to save her newborn baby.

However, all its efforts failed and the hyena eventually ran away with the meal.

Kevin said: “In my 14 years as a tour guide, I have never witnessed anything like this before. We were just out for a morning ride when we discovered that Topi antelope had just given birth. We were there. about 30 minutes before the hyena discovered the baby antelope.

The hyena began rushing towards the mother Topi antelope and grabbed its prey. The fight lasted about six minutes, and in the end the baby antelope was killed and taken away by hyenas.