The baboon rallied his peers to launch a fіeгсe аttасk on the рoіѕoпoᴜѕ snake, ultimately rescuing the mouse from the сɩᴜtсһeѕ of the god of deаtһ’s сгᴜeɩ torture.

Monkeys are curious and hyperactive creatures, when witnessing a snake catching and swallowing almost half of a big fat mouse, the leader curiously approached and took away the snake’s spoils:

In the territory of the monkeys suddenly appeared a snake, but its target was not the monkeys in the herd, but the little mouse living in the cliff below.

Originally, rodents such as rats and rabbits were the favorite food of snakes. Therefore, this snake seems to have set a goal for its meal today.

As soon as the snake appeared, the monkeys immediately noticed. Knowing this was a dangerous enemy, the mother monkeys quickly brought their babies to safety, while the other monkeys stood curiously to see what was going to happen.

The snake still ventured into the cliff looking for fat prey and determined to get this dish. Despite trying very hard to find a way to escape, but the poor mouse still could not resist the enemy.

When the snake had swallowed the head of the mouse, suddenly the monkey “hero” appeared. It rushed down to the snake and grabbed the rat’s tail and pulled it hard, to help save the poor mouse. Seeing this, the monkey’s teammates also competed with each other to throw stones at the snake’s body.

Seeing that he could not win against the monkeys, the snake had to let go of the “meal”, releasing the mouse that was half lying in its mouth. As a result, the brave monkey and the solidarity of the monkeys successfully rescued an animal smaller than himself.