Rescued from the Snow: A Story of Abandonment, Redemption, and the Compassionate Embrace of Caring Hearts for an ᴜпfoгtᴜпаte Dog.

Unfortunately some individual don’t know how to treat their pets and don’t realize that those creatures have also feelings. This was also the case for little Koki.


The unfortunate dog was abused by his own owners and was thrown away to fend for himself on the streets in the harsh winter. Luckily, he met the right man. On his way to a grocery store, Stoyan accidentally saw the yellow dog limping helplessly with an injured leg under the heavy snow. He looked desperate, and the kind-hearted man just couldn’t ignore him.

Stoyan and his wife Dessy, wrapped the poor pup in a blanket to keep him warm and protected from the freezing cold. They decided to take the pup with them and also gave him the name Koki.

“The temperature was freezing, we wanted to help,” Stoyan shared on their Youtube channel PawMeow.That wasn’t their first time rescuing stray animals. The couple already saved 4 cats in Bulgaria and are still working hard to help more.

The couple rescue only cats, however they knew they couldn’t abandon the little pup. It was obvious that without their help, Koki had low chances to survive through the cold.

But all this changed when the couple gave a… sausage to Koki which he couldn’t resist.

“I think in that moment he realized we mean him no harm,” Stoyan continued. “His eyes were filled with hope.”

Finally Koki’s torture ended and found his forever home. While Dessy and Stoyan were taking care of Koki, at the same time they were looking for a proper house for the little dog.

“We posted about the dog on the social media in our country, and we were surprised how much interest he got,” the couple shared excitedly. “There were more than 30 requests for adoption. We chose carefully and the dog will go to a Russian woman who lives 200 km away in a house with another small breed dog.”

Thanks to those kind hearted people, Koki can finally enjoy his life again.