The іmрасt of Meteorite on King Tut’s Treasures Unveiled After 28 Million Years

On? c?n n?v?? ??t ti??? ?? ??mi?in? ?x??isit? j?w?l?? ?n? ?th?? ????ti??l ??ti??cts ?????c?? ?? ?nci?nt civiliz?ti?ns th?t w??? s? ??tistic ?n? c???tiv?. S?m? ?? th?s? ?nci?nt ??ti??cts ??? t??l? ?ni??? ??c??s? th?? w??? m??? with m?t??i?l ?? ?xt??t????st?i?l ??i?in.

Anci?nt E???ti?n ?h????h T?t?nkh?m?n, c?mm?nl? ???????? t? ?s Kin? T?t, h?? s?v???l c?smic j?w?ls ?l?c?? in his t?m? wh?n h? ?i??, ??in? ?nl? 18 ????s.

Wh?n E???t?l??ist H?w??? C??t?? ?n? his t??m ???n? st??s th?t l?? t? T?t?nkh?m?n’s t?m? in th? V?ll?? ?? th? Kin?s, ?n N?v?m??? 4, 1922, th?? w??? st??tl?? t? s?? ?ll th? ?xt?????in??? t???s???s in his ???i?l. At th? tim?, th? sci?ntists h?? n? i??? s?m? ?? th? ??ti??cts w??? ?????c?? with ?th??w??l?l? m?t??i?l.

It t??k m?n? ????s ?????? ??s???ch??s c??l? ??t??min? s?m? ?? Kin? T?t’s ??t??li?? ?i?ts w??? ???m?? wh?n ? m?t???it? sm?sh?? int? th? E??th 28 milli?n ????s ???.

Kin? T?t’s C?smic Sc???? B???ch C??t?? th???ht Kin? T?t’s ????st?l?t? w?s m??? ?? ch?lc???n?, ? t??? ?? ????tz. H?w?v??, sci?ntists ??c?m? c??i??s wh?n ???????h?? P?t?ick Cl??t?n wh? w?s ?x?l??in? in 1932 th? G???t S?n? S?? ?l?n? th? ?????? ?n m????n E???t ?n? Li???, st?m?l?? ???n th? m?st??i??s ?l?ss in th? s?n?. This ??ll?w-????n ?l?ss w?s i??ntic?l t? th? ??mst?n? ?isc?v???? in Kin? T?t’s t?m?.

Wh?t w?s it ??ssi?l??

Th? ??i?in ?? ??s??t ?l?ss h?s l?n? ??m?in?? ? m?st???, ??t sci?ntists h?v? s?lv?? th? ?i??l?.

T????, sci?ntists kn?w th? m?t??i?l kn?wn ?s Li???n D?s??t Silic? Gl?ss w?s ???m?? ????t 28 milli?n ????s ??? wh?n ? m?t???it? ?nt???? th? E??th’s ?tm?s?h??? ?n? ?x?l???? ?v?? E???t. This c?smic im??ct h??t?? th? s?n? ??n??th it t? ? t?m????t??? ?? ????t 2,000 ??????s C?lsi?s. 1

As ? ??s?lt ?? this, ??s??t ?l?ss w?s ???m??, ?n? this m?t??i?l w?s l?t?? ?s?? t? c???t? Kin? T?t’s sc???? ????ch.

Kin? T?t?nkh?m?n’s m??ni?ic?nt ????st?l?t? “is ????n?? with ? ???? ????n ??s??t ?l?ss sc???? s?t ?n th? ???? ?? ? ??lc?n, it s?m??liz?s th? s?n. Th? ???nt l??s ?n? win?s ?? this c?m??sit? c???t??? s?????t ? c?l?sti?l ???t c?nt?inin? th? l??t ??? ?? H???s – th? ?m?l?m ?? th? m??n – c??wn?? ?? ? silv?? m??n ?isk with ? c??sc?nt in ??l?.

Th? Ph????h T?t?nkh?m?n is ???ict?? in th? ?isk ?l?nk?? ?? th? m??n ??? Th?th ?n? ?? th? s?n ??? R?-H???kht? in ? ???t?ctiv? ??s?.” 2

Th? “sc???? is ?n? ?? th? ?l??st ?n? wi??l? ?s?? s?m??ls ?? th? ?nci?nt E???ti?ns. E???ti?n ?h????hs w??shi???? ??n? ???tl?s, ?n? m?st ??????l?, it w?s s?m??lic?ll? ?s s?c??? t? th? E???ti?ns ?s th? c??ss is t? Ch?isti?ns.

Th? sc????s with ??sth?tic ???liti?s ?n? sh?m?nic s?m??lism w??? ?l????? kn?wn in th? Ol? Kin???m (3?? mill?nni?m BC) ?n? ?l???? ?n im???t?nt ??l? in th? ???l? w??shi? ?? ?nim?ls. It is s?????t?? ?? ??ch???l??ic?l ?vi??nc? ?isc?v???? in ???v?s ???in? th? tim? ?? Kin? D?n ?? D?n?st? I.” 3

Wh?t is still ?nkn?wn is h?w ??s??t ?l?ss ??c?m? ???t ?? Kin? T?t’s ????st?l?t?. On? ??ssi?l? sc?n??i? is s?m??n?, ???h??s ? c???v?n w?n???in? “th????h th? ??n?s s??tt?? ? ?lint ?? li?ht ?n? ??nt ??wn t? ?ick ?? ? ???tic?l??l? l?min??s ?i?c? ?? ?l?ss, th? c?l?? ?? s?n shinin? th????h ? ??ll?w-????n l???. It w?s sm?ll ?n???h t? ?it in th? ??lm ?? th?i? h?n?, ??t ???ci??s ?n???h t? ?? c???i?? s?m? 450 mil?s t? th? l?sh sh???s ?? th? Nil? Riv??, wh??? ?n ?nci?nt E???ti?n civiliz?ti?n w?s ?l???ishin?.” 4

Kin? T?t’s C?smic D????? E???ll? ?xcitin? ?n? ????ti??l is Kin? T?t’s ?????? th?t w?s ???i?? ?l?n?si?? th? ???n? Ph????h.

“R?s???ch??s ?t th? E???ti?n M?s??m in C?i??, Mil?n P?l?t?chnic, ?n? Pis? Univ??sit? ?s?? x-??? sc?nnin? t?chn?l??? t? ?x?min? th? c?m??siti?n ?? th? m?t?l. Th?? ???n? th? ??m??k??l? w?ll-???s??v?? ?l???, which h?? s??????? littl? c????si?n whil? ???i?? with its ?wn??, c?nt?in?? hi?h l?v?ls ?? nick?l, ?l?n? with t??c?s ?? c???lt ?n? ?h?s?h???s.

Th?? w??? ??l? t? m?tch th? ch?mic?l c?m??siti?n ?? th? ?l??? t? ? m?t???it? n?m?? Kh????, which w?s ???n? in 2000 ?n th? M???s M?t??h ?l?t??? in E???t, 150 mil?s w?st ?? Al?x?n??i?.

Th? ?????? is c?nsi????? ?n? ?? th? m?st ??tst?n?in? it?ms t? h?v? ???n ??t?i?v?? ???m T?t?nkh?m?n’s t?m? ??? t? th? ?in? m?t?l w??k.

Kin? T?t’s t?m? ?ls? c?nt?in?? ?th?? ??j?cts with ? link t? th? c?sm?s.” 5

All th?s? m??ni?ic?nt ???i?l ?i?ts w??? ?l?c?? in th? ???n? Kin? T?t?nkh?m?n’s t?m? t? m?k? th? j???n?? t? th? ??t??li?? ??si??.