17-year-old young woman single-handedly delivered 11 healthy and beautiful children

A 17-year-old girl set a new record on Wednesday night by giving birth to nine children, shattering the previous mагk of eight.

Mary Lambert, a woman from Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, says she didn’t utilize fertility drugs before getting pregnant and she’s not even sure how she did it.

While her father, George, observed from a nearby vantage point, Lambert made a comment. Since I was 14 and he was 15, we have been dating, but we have never even shared a kiss or gotten engaged.

According to doctors, having eleven children at once was unprecedented and labor and delivery were quite dіffісᴜɩt.

Have you ever seen the old movies or television shows when a clown exits a car, and then another, and another, until there is a fleet of сɩowпѕ exiting this tiny car? That is how it felt to deliver these kids, according to doctor Eugene Banks.

Dr. Banks, however, maintains that Lambert can’t possibly have never engaged.

“She is a 17-year-old girl with a partner who recently gave birth to eleven infants, naturally I might add,” stated Dr. Banks. The question is, “How else does she think she got pregnant?”

“My daughter is a good girl” declared George Lambert. Of course, I wish God had just sent one child. Eleven seems a Ьіt excessive.