A diver’s courageous act of гeѕсᴜe: Liberating a trapped turtle from underwater entanglement in the Philippines.

This is the heartwarming moment a Filipino diving guide rescues a trapped sea turtle from drowning by untangling it from an underwater buoy rope.

A group of tourists snorkeling off the island of Apo in the central Philippines spotted the large turtle snared in the rope in shallow water.

Their guide dived under and freed the animal, allowing it to rise to the surface for a much-needed gulp of air.

Snared: Tourists found the turtle struggling underwater after becoming untangled in a buoy rope

Their guide dived under and freed the animal, allowing it to rise to the surface for a much-needed gulp of air

‘My friends and I went to Apo Island to swim with turtles, but we came upon one trapped on the seabed,’ the tourist who made the video said.

‘The rope, on which the turtle becomes entangled, is attached to a float marking the area marked for tourists, the rest is out of bounds.

‘Thankfully the guide swam down and freed it. I watched it surface for some air and it carried on feeding.’

Pictures show the animal slowly rising to the surface for some much-needed air after being freed

The incident unfolded as tourists were snorkeling off the island of Apo in the central Philippines